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It was a windy evening. It usually was. It seemed just as backwards as always. I'm getting used to it you could say. Well. Maybe not. Its not like you ever understand my perspective. But I guess my selfish nature led me to you. I was sitting in the coffee shop drinking tea. You happened to walk in. Your hair. Your eyes. Both caught my attention. Your hair was soft. I would swear you groomed it that morning. And your eyes? Well they were as soft and bright as the smile. But I'd never let you know that. You walked over boots soaked from the snow outside. Idle chitchat thrown out the window with your manners, you sat down at my table, though plenty other amicable options sat before you. Yet you chose to sit with me. You opened that beautiful mouth and said,'brr its cold out there isn't it?' You smiled and placed your tea on the table, taking up even more of my personal space. Somehow I manage to digress. I grimaced bitterly though I try to smile and unlike anyone I've ever met, you stay.


You stayed... I couldn't believe it. Finally someone stayed...

I take a sip of tea to hide my surprise and comment as cold as the snow. 'Yea... I don't like cold much. I'm not a wwinter fish...' You giggled likely assuming my fish comment was some joke you didn't understand but quickly you learned. I .. Was far from ordinary. I got up to go to the bathroom, get myself together after the mess I'd been, and by the time I mustered the balls to cease my childish hiding, you were gone. I missed my chance. Again. Always with the broken chances. Broken promises. Broken... Everything. Wwhatevver. I picked up my tea and out fell a note. Same time tomorrow... I scoffed at the demand instead of the request, and headed out, note behind. Like I'd show up just for you. Maybe. No I can't. Oh fuck it. I tossed and turned in my sleep, eventually sitting up and curling up into a ball. I couldn't even breathe right because of you. It was all your fault. Always perfect. I mean, you were a fucking human! Why did I care?! You were less than garbage on my planet! So why do I feel like I wouldn't deserve you? I refused sleep and took a shower, cleaning myself of the night terrors. I stayed in there much too long and fell asleep, fins fluttering as I dreamt of you. It was... Less excruciating. Yeah. That's it. At least better than night terrors, though I felt just as vulnerable and weak. I woke up, my hands and feet wrinkled. Yeah that happens to fish too. I mean its not like I had scales to hide it. Those wore off when I was just a wriggler. Happy Times. I fed my aquarium with a smile on my face, checked the mail, my package had come. Dealt with that. Finally something I enjoyed, a full size underground saltwater pool. It was beautiful, the construction crew even installed a bulletproof window in the basement so I could see its aquatic beauty even indoors. Feeling lighter than usual I bought myself a few tropical fish to live in it. Some bigger than others but all pretty harmless. I revelled in the sandy floor. The little grime eating bottom feeders. And even the vibrant fish wandering through the coral and sea plants. It reminded me of home. I left my house and let my feet wander through the snow. I was relieved the installation was indoor and heated. I'd hate to think that my new home would suffer like my old. I've learned. I found myself in the coffee shop once again. I looked up and saw you, sitting at the same table as yesterday. My fins flared from under my scarf and I sat down. You looked up from your phone and smiled brightly. I swear my breath caught. I couldn't hold back. ' wwould you like to talk somewwhere less noisy?' I asked before I realized it had came out of my mouth. You nodded and we both got up. In no time I was once again at my door. Nervous, I led you inside, shocked that you trusted me so much. You instantly stood, mouth agape. And made a beeline for my new installment. I smiled but again, you didn't know that. You looked up at me still standing in the doorway. I dismissed how quickly you made yourself at home. 'Beautiful, isn't it?' I quipped. You smiled and nodded. 'I absolutely adore the ocean and aquatic life...' You trailed off plaguing my thoughts even more. I shed my coa and my gloves, cursing under my breath at the webs of my fingers, such an obvious purple. Without the winter to bring out color in everything else, my skin was so obviously muted in color I likely looked sick. You walked over to me, curious as always and i regretted bringing you so close. You unraveled the scarf and smiled. I stood there my turn to look like a fool, while you placed your hands gently on my Fins. My face turning a deep shade of purple, you stood there not even flinching. 'Don't I repulse you?...' I asked. You shook your head,'not in the slightest. Though you are as sharp as a knife, and as emotionless as stone, you are simply swirling with feelings. With bright opinions. Sound intellect and... The most charming eyes.' And with every compliment you gave me, I felt a little warmer... You stole the winter from within me and replaced it with the swirling waves of emotion of once called home. I took the leap my heart whispered for me to, and kissed you. And with each second stretched into a million years I felt alive again! I felt alive and happy. Oh so very happy. I smiled back and pulled you close, kissing you again, loving your soft lips. You pulled away a moment to breathellesly tell me your name. And I replied with mine. You had asked me why I didn't start with that, to which I replied with, 'a name is hardly a definition of a person. If a name mattered more than a smile, we all would frown.' You giggled again and pulled in for another kiss, to which I granted along with a gentle shove onto my couch. We tangled together and keep eachother warm with kisses and caresses. I swear you would be the softest lover I've had.

I pulled us to the pool, we both tore off our clothes and dived in, admiring the warmth and the scarcity of unpleasant things to quip about. You had pulled me close again, your lips salty from the water and I just couldn't contain myself, though my lower regions coiled with anticipation, you didn't seem to mind. In fact you were quite curious about the thing. I figured I'd submit to your hands as you stroked and petted me, exciting it even more as my fins flared, you curiously played with the ones fluttering near the base, blushing a little I'd guessed you understood the repercussions of having then to active especially betwixed those long silky legs. You looked up at me a little nervous and I immediately became self conscious. After all I clearly was not normal. You took a deep breath and cautiously swam into my arms, feet barely steady on the pool floor. I gave a halfhearted smile and you instantly looked at ease. Carefully, you wrapped yourself around me. Legs clinging to my waist and pulling close. A little on edge I managed to hold you, though I resisted all urges to push you away. That part of me hasn't gotten attention in years... You bravely pulled yourself against me, smiling a little as I pushed inside. I let myself enjoy the feeling a little, humans were tighter than most trolls but you happened to fit without pain for either of us. I steadily moved my hips, letting the bulge do most of the work as it twisted and rubbed against all your soft pulsing muscles. I could feel your heartbeat all the way in my member as I got a little more articulated, your head tilting back as I pleasured you. Finally I felt you tighten and I decided to let my fins flare in response, which old invigorated you more. Every tightening muscle squeezed against me and I almost cried out, stifling it to a breathy moan as you became very very warm. I smiled knowing you had released yourself and decided after a few settling flicks that I'd been just as satisfied. I bit your earlobe a little and kissed your neck, enjoying your immediacy in my life. I found I rather enjoyed you with you with me...

After some time we had navigated to the shower, dancing naked bodies waning up inside and out. It seemed we were the most majestic of puzzles, I had fit in you perfectly. An ease that comes only with the most perfect of lovers. And with every movement, buck and thrust we both rode the bliss we had created. Together. And only now, after a pool of our own, and a creation of perfect harmony, had we both learned. Myself likely more than anyone I'd ever come to familiarize with, that two... Is indeed... Far greater than one... And I, far greater, for finding you. I wwill alwways love you. After all, it was you wwho taught me I could...

Forevver yours,
Eridan Ampora. <><

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