Chapter 13

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I still don't know how Vi got me to work out with her on my day off. 

After the strange conversation with Cate and Martin, I immediately went back to the others. Nico and Jude were still playing cards, but Vida was nowhere to be seen. 

I approached them and asked where Vida was. 

"We don't know" Nico answered simply and turns back to the cards in his hand. 

"That's not true! She went to the training..." But before Jude could finish the sentence, Nico punched him against the arm and Jude's eyes widened and he pressed his hand over his mouth, causing his cards to slowly slip to the ground. 

With the look on Jude's face, I had bite my tounge so I wouldn't laugh right away. Sometimes I really wondered why Jude and Nico were such good friends in the first place. They were the complete opposite of each other. While Jude always had a smile on his face that was even brighter than the sun, Nico was always so quiet and closed in on himself as if there was nothing good in this world. 

But with his history and what we've all been through in some way, I can't blame him either. 

A week after I arrived at the League, Nico trusted me enough that he, like Vida and Jude, told me his story. Unlike the other two, Nico, when he was eight years old, was taken to the camp Thurmond, which I only know of that it is the largest and oldest camp that exists at the moment. There they experimented on him to find a cure for IAAN. 

He didn't say anything about his time there, but judging by the look on his face when he told me the story, it was probably worse than the camps. All I know is that the League pulled him out when he was transferred to Leda Corp headquarters in Philadelphia.

"We shouldn't tell anyone where she went" Nico's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. 

"It's not anyone. This is Lilli, and she's in our group. Maybe she can help Vi." Jude said, making me smile reluctantly. Even though I was only here about two months, they already saw me as a part of their group.

But my smile faded away as quickly as it had come when my head realized what Jude had just said. "What about Vi?" I asked and this time the concern was clearly heard in my voice. 

But before anyone could answer me, Vida's behavior jumped back into my head and I ran to the training room. 

On the way there, many people glanced at me and the whispering behind my back started again, but this time I just didn't listen. My hand started to twitch again, but I didn't care. If Vida is in trouble, she's top priority right now. 

There were heavy breaths to be heard before I entered the room and when I glanced into it, Vida was running with a tense posture on the treadmill, which, judging by the sound, was set to the highest level. 

After half an eternity of just standing there, a voice suddenly startled me. "Do you want to finally come in, Boo, or do you want to keep looking at my crunchy ass from the door?"

I closed the door as quietly as possible so that no one would notice or disturb us. Vi turned off the treadmill and came slowly towards me. 

"What are you doing here?" She asked and her eyes sparkled, but I couldn't tell if she was angry or scared.

"I realized you're not doing so well, and I'm worried about you. Jude told me where to find you." I decided to be honest, because one thing was absolutely certain, Vida is a human lie detector.

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