Chapter 7

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A month later

"I can't do this." I sighed after repeatedly not hitting the target with the gun. I didn't even hit the black silhouette printed on it.

"Try again, you'll get there." Cole said reassuringly, standing just a few meters behind me.

Alban's idea that we should work together wasn't so bad at all, but I held back a little. On my first day in the league, I was called to his office for the second time. I think this is a new record. He didn't explain much to me, except that I'm going to be training with Agent Stewart now that we have... a certain thing in common.

"You need to focus. Do not lose sight of the target and most importantly, do not hesitate. You understand?" I nodded and sighed. "Atta' girl" He grinned. From his mouth it all sounded so easy, as if he wanted to teach a three-year- old to ride a bicycle. But I felt like I had to make a speech in front of a thousand people. 

"C'mon, give it a go." I took a deep breath and tried to control my shaking hands. I closed my eyes and felt a twitch right at the corner of my eye. The black picture in front of me blurred and I saw my father's nasty grin in front of me. That moment when he slapped me in the face for the first time. 

I fired a shot right into the bullseye. Then another one, back to the bullseye. 

I turned to Cole, who has an impressive look on his face. His eyes were shining and he had a broad grin on him. 

"Wow...You cheat." He said and I giggled. 

"I take that as a compliment." I said and started laughing. 

Working out with Cole wasn't as bad as I expected, but I tried to choose my words carefully and not show how nervous I was. "Can we start with... the last part of our training?"

We train every day in three parts. First, he showed me how to fight, and I have to admit that it really helps relieve pressure. Second, we're practicing how to use guns, and ability.

He sighed and nodded. We sat down on the mat, which was in the middle of the room. Cole told me to stay calm and take a deep breath. I was calm. 

A whole row of items that I was supposed to set on fire were built in front of me. I stretched out my hand and tried to concentrate. This was the tenth time I was supposed to try, but nothing happened. 

I let out a desperate scream. "Come on! Come on!"

"Calm down, everything's fine. You can do it. Something's holding you back." Cole said. This was more of a statement than a question. "So, what's going on?" 

What's going on? What's going on? If I lose control, I could kill anything and everyone. I could hurt Vida, Jude, Nico and Cate. I could hurt you. I'm a fire-breathing monster. Okay, maybe I wasn't calm after all. 

"Nothing's going on. I'm tired and I don't feel like it anymore, okay?" I got up and wanted to leave the room, but Cole held me by the arm.

"At least try again."

"Leave me alone, Cole. You're only here because Alban wanted to. So don't pretend you're trying to help me because no one can." Every word, that came out of my mouth was full of hate. Again these pictures flashed up from the past. An anger poured through me, which I didn't even know I had. The pain was deep and I just wanted it to leave and never come back. Because it's tearing me apart from the inside. No one can help you. You're alone. The little voice in my head said.

Cole didn't answer. He just watched me. I don't know if I just imagined it or was in his eyes something I had never noticed before. Somehow he looked... sad. 

But before I could only react to it, all the objects suddenly caught flames. The fire was very high and I could feel the heat up to here. It was kind of pleasant, like sitting at the campfire and sing songs.

However, my vision became more and more blurred and all I could see was a broad grin from Cole.

I felt two arms snaking around my chest before plunging into the deep, black darkness.


I had no idea what time it was when I woke up, but I knew exactly where I was. The infirmary. 

My eyelids were still heavy, my whole bones felt like they were burning and every single fiber of my body wanted to stay in that bed. But I was aware that if I continued to inhale this smell of disinfectant, I would throw up. 

I slowly straightened up and wanted to grab my jacket, which was hanging over the bed edge when I suddenly noticed the sleeping figure sitting on the chair next to my bed. 

Cole looked so different when he was asleep. All the anger and stress he was constantly carrying around had somehow disappeared. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he looked... happy.

I couldn't overcome myself to wake him up because he looked as if he hadn't had a good night's sleep for weeks and therefore only covered him with a blanket. Before I could stop myself, I leaned over to him, whether any logical feeling in me says I shouldn't do it, and kissed him on the cheek. 

"I'm sorry." I whispered as quietly as I could. It wasn't his fault that I was so angry, but I took it out on him. Then I left the room as fast as I could. Maybe it was just the lack of sleep, but I swear the corners of his mouth made a small smile.

When I entered the cafeteria, it turned out that it was already noon. I sat down at the table with Vida and Jude, who immediately pierced me with questions about where I was.

Luckily, Jude gave himself up with the answer that I was training and Vida run her hand through her freshly dyed blue hair. She told me that she is proud of her ability and wants to show it. I wish I could be like that.

While we were eating, I noticed that a lot of kids were staying away from me. Whispering words "Red...freaky...scary."

That's enough! "Vida" I said. "Yes, boo" She answered and gave me a confused look.

"You're gonna help me make red strands in my hair." Vida began to smile, while Jude gave me a shocked look. 

"Why do you want to dye your hair? It is perfect. Have you thought this through? What if..."

"Shut up, Judith." Vida interrupted him with a firm voice. "But honestly, boo, why do you wnat to do that?"

"Because everyone thinks they have to call me red because of my color. That is why I would like to give them a real reason to call me that. It's enough for me and I want to wear my color proudly and no longer be afraid of it."

Vida's grin only got wider and together we set off to give me a makeover. 

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