Chapter 1

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Dream Pov:
I woke up it was 6:00 am in the morning.
Which means another boring day at school.
I get out of bed going to the bathroom and prepare myself until my younger siblings run in.
''Bubba!!!'' Tubbo yelled out running to me and give him a hug.
''Hey, buddy,'' I said hugging my little sibling back.
Tommy wanted a hug too but didn't want to ask I look at Tommy giving him a smile.
''Come here you little brat'' I said laughing at Tommy pouting.
Tommy walks over to Me and Tubbo and joins the hug.
Both of my siblings love to clingy onto me.
And they did this time too.
I pick them both up and walk downstairs where I meet my parents.
''Morning sweetheart'' Quackity said smiling at me and two boys clingy on to me.
''Hey, papa'' I said sitting down with my siblings.
''Okay boys you have to let go of Dream and get ready for school'' Jschlatt said.
Tommy and Tubbo both get off me running upstairs.
''Thanks, Dad'' I said sign as my Dad smiled at me.
Papa gave me my coffee and I thank him.
After I finished eating and Drinking.
I went upstairs and change into black rip jeans,
a black shirt, and green hoodie ankle boots and paint his nails black.
I went to grab my bag and my phone.
Going downstairs to see my siblings ready and waiting for him.
''PAPA DAD WE ARE LEAVING!'' I yell as my Parents smile and wave at us.
We don't live so far away from school.
I was just walking watching my sibling running around playing and chasing each other.
I smile.
Cause I love them even when they annoy me.
After about 20 minutes we made it.
First, I drop my brothers giving them a hug.
Before leaving to go to my locker.
As I walk down the hall they were a group of girls around some guys I didn't care about it all.
I went to my locker to get my books for my classes.

Sapnap Pov:
I and the boys were surrounded by girls fangirling over us and trying to talk to us.
I look over to Locker to see a cute male with blond hair getting his books.
''He's cute'' Punz said next to me.
''Woah he is really handsome'' I said.
''Okay ladies can you give us some spaces'' My head snapped when Willbur said those.
All the girls leave and we are free.
''That blond male is pretty'' Technoblade said smirking at him.
''Jeez look that body''Fundy said I smirk.
''Holy shit he actually fine'' George said blushing.
''What the honk'' Karl said trying to relized who are we all staring at.
''Damn a Doll'' Wilbur said placing his hand into his pockets.
I was just staring at him like a prized possession.
''Let go talk to him'' Punz said walking over to the blond male rest of us following him.

Dream Pov:
I was just getting my last book out of the locker.
''Hey there doll~''
I Turn to see the group of popular boys around my locker.
''What do you want'' I said being annoyed.
''What's your name'' The Pink hair male asked.
''I'm Dream'' Is said giving them a smile.
''Pretty name for a beautiful human-like you''
The black hair male said.
I just blushed but they didn't see that.
''Anyway what's your guy's name?'' I ask smiling at them.
''I'm Technobade'' The pink hair male said smirking.
''Sapnap'' Black hair said leaning on the locker.
''Karl nice to meet you!'' The brunette said smiling with light pink cheeks.
''George'' The other brunette said blushing.
''Punz cutie'' Blond said winking at me.
''Willbur'' The brown hair male said placing his arm around my shoulder.
I look over to an orange hair male and smile and him pushing Willbur's arms off me.
Walking over to an Orange hair male.
''And you?'' I ask Placing my hand on his cheek.
''F-fundy'' I smile at him kissing his cheek.
''It was nice meeting you guys but I have to go to my class see yaa around'' I said walking away from the group.

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