Chapter 5

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TechnoDream moment.
Warning: Smut (a little bit), Dirty talking, nicknames, aggressive season.
Nobody's Pov:
Dream stood up to use the restroom leaving his harem to play with his brothers.
Little did he know Techno followed him.
Dream finish and exit bathroom to see Techno leaning on the wall.
''What do you want'' Dream said crossings his arms.
Techno Smirked walking over to Dream holding him by the waist pulling him closer.
''I want you~'' Techno said in Dream ear.
''Well too bad'' Dream said hitting Techno's arms to let him go.
Techno slammed Dream against the wall still holding Dreams waist.
''oww what the fu-''Dream got cut off by Techno slamming his lips against his.
Dream kissed back Techno slipping his tongue in exploring every inch of Dreams mouth.
Techno lifted Dream off the floor putting his leg between Dream's legs putting Dream on his thigh and grabbed his hips moving him up and down.
''ahhhh~mhhhh~Techno~''Dream moan out.
Dream grabbed onto Technos shoulder as Techno trusted his thigh harder on Dream's cock.
''AHHHH~MMHhhh~F-fuck~''Dream moan out loud. Whining.
Techno kissed Dream still moving him up and down his thigh but now lightly.
Dream kissed back wrapping his arms around Technos neck.
They broke it eventually.
Techno places Dream down but Dream fell the moment he try to stand.
Techno luckily catches him before he falls.
Techno chuckle and pick Dream up by his thigh and carry him back to the living room.

Techno Pov:
He is adorable and I'm glad I had him first other guys will probably have him too but as long we share him I'm fine with it.
''Sir?'' I snapped from my thoughts hearing a small voice I look down to see Tubbo with worry expression on his face.
''Whats sup little guy?'' I asked as he look at me.
''Is my brother okay?'' He said pointing at Dream who cuddle up in my arms.
''don't worry your brother is safe with me and other guys'' I said petting his head.
He smiled and went back to play with his other sibling.
I went back to sit with other guys who look at me.
''What happened to cub?'' Fundy asked while playing with Dreams hair.
''He ride me~'' I said confidently.
''HE WHAT''Sapnap said loudly.
''shhh you gonna wake up sunshine ~'' I said seeing Dream snuggling closer.
''Right sorry'' Sapnap said playing with Dream's hand.
''You will get your chances to guys'' I said adoring a cute blond male in my arms.

Dream Pov:
I woke up in somebody's arms I look up to see Techno and remember what happened.
I sit up rubbing my eyes.
Leaning on Technos shoulder.
''Morning sunshine~'' He said in a calming voice.
''Umm morning?'' I said.
''Do you want me to move off your lap?'' I asked sitting up.
''Oh no is okay sunshine~'' He said to me.
I nod looking at the rest of the guys they gave me warm smile.
''Guys is time for you to go'' My father yelled out.
I moved off Technos lap giving him and the rest of the guy's hug.
We walk over to the door.
''Byeee guys'' I said.
''Byeee baby doll~'' They all said smirking.
I smile and blushed before going into a gay panic.

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