Chapter 10

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I apologize for not updating this I'm just busy with school and other stuff.
I will try to post parts when I'm free.
Thank you for waiting!!
Nobody's Pov:
Dream got dropped home.
He went into the house and was tackled in a hug by his siblings.
''Heyy guys how are you feeling?'' Dream asked placing his stuff down and hugging Tubbo and Tommy back.
''We are feeling fine can we go to the park tomorrow?'' Tubbo asked with puppy eyes.
'' Of course, since is the weekend.'' Dream said kissing his brother's forehead.
''Ewww!'' Tommy yelled running to their parents.
''Tommy don't be rude bubba is being nice and showing affection,'' Tubbo yelled back.
Dream chuckled and picked Tubbo up.
And went to the kitchen to see Tommy hugging Quackity for dear life.
''Hey, papa!'' Dream said placing Tubbo on the stool.
''Hey, sweetheart how was practiced?'' Quackity asked trying to get Tommy off him.
''It was great how was your day'' Dreama asked grabbing a glass of water.
''I am tired from it'' Quackity said.
''How about you and dad go out tomorrow and ill take care of Tubbo and Tommy.'' Dream said.
''Are you sure sweetie?'' Quackity asked.
''Yep you and dad deserve it for taking care of us'' Dream said picking Tommy from Quackitys arms.
''Thank you my little duckling'' Quackity said kissing Dream's forehead before leaving.
Dream smile '' How about we make cookies?'' he asked.
''Yesss!'' Both yelled.
''Okay just let me change'' Dream said placing Tommy down and went upstairs.
He changes in shorts and a hoodie.
He came back to the kitchen.
And begin making cookies with his siblings.
They had fun doing something together.
Tubbo, however, eats almost all of the cookies so Dream has to put the cookie away.
''Come on guys you have to go to bed'' Dream said leading them to their bedroom.
Dream tucked them and kissed their forehead.
He left to room only to bump into his dad.
''Oh, sorry dad'' Dream said.
''Is okay sweetheart and thank you for taking care of your siblings,'' Schlatt said hugging his son.
Dream smiled and hugged his dad back before heading off to his room.
He decided to sleep right away.

Next morning
Dream woke up sunshine into his eyes.
He rubbed his eyes and stretch his bone-cracking slightly.
He got up and went to the bathroom to get ready.
After he did his morning routine. He picked out his outfit.

(This is what Dream is wearing and what he picked up ^)Dream brush his hair and paint his nails black and grabbed his covers

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(This is what Dream is wearing and what he picked up ^)
Dream brush his hair and paint his nails black and grabbed his covers.
He went downstairs to see his parents all dressed up.
''Ooooo you two look nice'' Dream said smiling.
''Thanks, honey'' Quackity said patting Dream's head.
''Sweetie we are heading out if you need us to call and take care of yourself and your brothers we love you'' Schlatt said leaving.
''Love you too byeee'' Dream yelled back.
Dream sighed and made breakfast.
He placed pancakes on the table and went upstairs to wake his brothers up.
''Tommy Tubbo wake up come on'' Dream said opening curtains.
Sun breaking into a dark room.
''mhmm, 5 more minutes'' Tommy mumble and pulled the blanket over his head.
Tubbo sits up in his bed looking around.
''Heyy buddy'' Dream said removing hair out of Tubbo's eyes.
Dream kneels down next to Tubbo picking him up hugging him.
''Tom tom come on we are going to park'' Dream said standing up with Tubbo in his arms.
Tommy slowly got up walking over to Dream wanting to be picked up.
Dream smiled and picked him up too.
Going back downstairs and kitchen.
He place Tubbo and Tommy at the table and they begin eating so did Dream.
After they are finished Tommy and Tubbo went to get dressed while Dream wash plates.
The duo came downstairs Dream waiting for the front door.
''You ready?'' Dream asked opening doors.
The duo yelled yes and run out but stop near the road.
Dream locked the door and chuckle slightly.
And off they went to the park-like Dream promise.
It was a sunny warm day and it was beautiful to come out for a walk.
The park was huge and kids of every age come there to hang out.
''Okay, off you go guys but stay at my sight okay'' Dream said looking at the duo.
Tommy and Tubbo nodded and ran off.
Dream smile slightly.
Until he saw a familiar face Techno.
Techno was leaning against a wall.
Dream walks over to him ''Hey Handsome'' He said looking at Techno.
''Hello Darling'' Techno said wrapping his arms around Dream's waist.
Dream placed his arms on Technos shoulders.
''So what are you doing here?'' Techno asked kissing Dream's neck softly.
''Oh I brought my brothers to hang out is a nice day so'' Dream said laying his head on Technos chest.
Techno chuckle '' that's nice of you'' He said hugging Dream closely.
''What about you?'' Dream asked.
''Oh I have to babysit my little sister Rose'' Techno said.
''Awww you have little sister~'' Dream said lifting his head off Technos chest.
''Yeah she is playing with your siblings right now'' Techno said smirking slightly.
Dream turned his head to see it for himself and smile warmly.
He turns back to Techno leaning closer to him.
Techno kissed Dream softly tighten the arms that are around Dream's waist.
Dream placed his hand on Techno's cheek.
They kissed gently and softly.
Dream broke away from the kiss.
''Why did you stop?'' Techno asked frowning slightly.
''Babe children are around'' Dream said giggling.
Techno kissed Dream cheek.
''Oh, there is a party at my place tomorrow can you come?'' Techno asked sitting on the grass beside the wall.
''Sure ill come!'' Dream said sitting on Technos lap.
''Great rest of the gang will be there''Techno said interlocking his fingers with Dreams.
Dream and Techno spend time together until they got interrupted by their annoying little siblings.
''Ewww brother stop flirting with Rose's brother,'' Tommy said pulling Dream off Technos lap.
''Sorry, Tom Tom'' Dream said.
''Techno'll see you tomorrow love you'' Dream said as he got dragged by his siblings.
''Do you like Techno?'' Tubbo asked holding Dream's hand.
''Well I kind of do but there are also other people I like you will understand when you are older'' Dream said smiling at Tubbo.
''I don't like him'' Tommy said scoffing.
Dream chuckle.
When they came home his parents were already there.
The duo ran to the front door and went in Dream came in a few seconds.
''Heyy dad hey papa''Dream said waving his hand.
''Hello, sweetheart do you need something?'' Schlatt asked raising an eyebrow.
''Well, can i go to the party tomorrow at Techno's?'' Dream asked.
Schlatt chuckled slightly '' Sure you can'' He said.
''Yay thanks Dad'' Dream said hugging Schlatt.

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