Chapter 8

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Dream Pov:

I was getting ready for school but this time I was more uncomfortable cause Ninja is in my school too

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I was getting ready for school but this time I was more uncomfortable cause Ninja is in my school too.
Well, I don't like him much neither does the rest of the group.
I guess at least they will protect me even tho some of them are bottoms.
I snap out of my thoughts when my brothers yelled that they are ready to go.
I grab my stuff and left the house with two minions following me.
They were chasing one another laughing joking.
I smiled at them.
It was a sunny warm day out.
We made it to school I drop my siblings off and went to the field where we all agree to meet.
Well until Ninja came behind me a grabbed my waist.
''Wtf Dude let go!'' I said in an angry tone.
''Relex those other guys do the same so why can't I'' Ninja asked gripping my waist.
''Damnit bitch let go!''I yelled punching him in the face.
I run off to the field.
Running into Techno's arms.

Nobody's Pov:
''Sunshine what's wrong?'' Techno asked hugging Dream tightly.
Dream begins sobbing into Technos arms.
Techno pick Dream up with his bare arms.
Dream lay his face on Technos shoulder.
''N-ninja he touch me'' Dream spoke softly.

Techno looks at Dream kissing his forehead.
''Did you hear that guys.'' Techno look at the rest group.
''He tries to touch our babydoll''Wilbur said eyes going red.
''That motherfucker!'' Sapnap in an angry tone.
''Hmmm that not gonna work'' Punz said licking his lips.
''What a stuck-up snob'' George said snoring.
''what a bitch'' Karl said rolling his eyes.
Dream just snuggle closer to Techno.
Techno smile even tho he was pissed at Ninja for touching Dream without his permission.
They all skip first class just to be with Dream.
''You okay now darling?''Wilbur asked rubbing Dream's hand.
''Yeah, now that you are with me'' Dream said giving them a warm smile.
Their hearts melted into a puddle.
Next class they all went to separate classes.
And Sapnap got detention so did Ninja they have the same class.
Dream had a plan the detention teacher is never in.
So he gonna go there and make Ninja jealous.
Class ended early and Sapnap and Ninja went to detention.
Dream walk-in going towards Sapnap, Sapnap smirked as Dream drop his bag by Sapnaps table.
Dream clim into Sapnap lap.
Dream drape one of his arms around Sapnap neck. And other he put on Sapnap chin.
''Whatssup baby boy~'' Sapnap said in a sexy voice.
''hmmm, nothing Sappy~'' Dream said back feeling Sapnap arms going around Dreams feminine waist.
Dream leans his forehead against Sapnap kissing his nose.
Sapnap giggle and look over to Ninja ''see that is how you treat a pretty boy like Dream~'' Sapnap said turning his attention back to Dream.
Sapnap leans closer to Dream kissing his lips gently.
Dream kiss back wrapping his arms around Sapnap's neck.
Sapnap lick Dream's bottom lip asking for entering Dream gladly let him in opening his mouth.
Sapnap slipped his tongue in exploring every inch of Dreams mouth.
Sapnap starts sucking on Dream tongue.
''mhhhh~ahhhh~'' Dream moans into a kiss.
Dream broke the kiss and look at Sapnap.
''Wow you are amazing at this baby boy~'' Sapnap said going for Dream neck.
Dream glance over to Ninja who was furious.
Drean tangled his fingers into Sapnap raved hair.
Sapnap still doing artwork on Dream neck.
''S-sappy mhmmm~'' Dream whin out tugging on Sapnap hair.
''Baby don't pull too hard~ Sapnap said in a dark voice sucking hard on Dreams neck.
''mhmmm~ahhhh~F~fuck'' Dream moans out playing with Sapnap bandana.
Sapnap stopped and was proud of his work on Dream neck.
''Damn I did a great job~'' Sapnap said kissing Dream's jawline.
Dream giggle and kissed Sapnap cheek.
The bell ring and Sapnap left detention with Dreams hand lock with his.
He also smirked at Ninja'' Don't Touch our Babydoll jerk~'' Sapnap said in a dark tone.
Ninja was raging by now.
Dream giggle and smile at Sapnap.
They left to go for lunch and everyone was looking at them.
Dream the cutest guy of the school walking hand locked with Sapnap the hottest guy in school.
Dream got nervous from attention but Sapnap wrapped his arm around Dream's waist.
Dream smiles and puts his arm around Sapnap's shoulder.

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