Chapter 2

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Fundy Pov:
I panicked as I turn red.
''Lucky Basterd'' Willbur said snoring.
''Damn why him'' Sapnap said upset.
''Hey is not my fault'' I said trying to protect myself.
''Let's just go to class'' Karl said.
We all walk to class only to realize that Dream was in the same class as all of us.
We all smirk at that facts.

Dream Pov:
''Shit'' I have the same class as them and they all seat near me.
And of course, Technoblade is sitting next to me.
He sat and smirk at me I just roll my eyes.
Halfway throw class I felt something on my thigh I look and saw Techno's hand on my thigh.
I look up at him smiling just to see his reaction.
He smirks and squeezes my thigh.
I gasp in surprise.
Look at the rest of the group them being jealous and pissed.
I just continue to listen to the lesson as Techno rubbed my thigh.
One of his hands was on my thigh and the other had a pencil in it and was writing in copy.
I saw a smile crept on his face.
Class end.
I was about to go until somebody pull me putting me on the table in class.
It was Techno.
''What do you want?'' I said look at him.
''Hmmm, you~'' He said smirking.
I laugh '' Oh really'' I look at him making eye contact.
I lean closer to him just about a few inches away from his lips.
''Well if you want me you have to win my heart'' I said pushing him away from me and jumping off the table walking out of the classroom. To go to lunch.

Technoblade Pov:
Damn, he is hot as fuck.
I was so close to kissing him.
''Did you gave to make a move on him huh?'' Punz said punching my arm.
''This is not fair'' George said pouting.
''Out of all people you'' Sapnap said wanting to kill me.
''Oh shut up let's just go to lunch'' I said leaving the classroom rest following me.
In the cafeteria, we grabbed our food sitting at the empty table we found.

Nobody pov:
All simps look around to find Dream sitting at the far back of the cafeteria with two younger males.
They of course got jealous even tho those two are Dreams siblings they didn't know that.
They all stand up walking over to Dream.
''Hey, guys'' Dream said smiling at the group of boys.
''Bubba who are they?'' Tubbo said tugging on the Dream hoodie.
Tommy just leans closer to Dream snuggling into his shoulder.
Boys just look jealous and pissed at two younger males.
''I don't like them'' Tommy said looking at them.
Dream chuckle.
''They are Bubba's friends.'' Dream said looking at simps.
''Oh okay, them'' Tubbo said smiling shyly at them.
''Oh and Dream who are they to you?'' Fundy asked.
''Oh, they are just my younger siblings'' Dream said playing with Tubbos hair.
''Oh,'' Boys said being embarrassed.
Because they thot that they are something else to him.
''Aww they are adorable'' Karl said smiling at two younger males.
Tommy and Tubbo smile back at Karl and the rest of the crew.
Lunch was about end.
Tommy and Tubbo both give a hug to His brother before walking away to their class.
Dream smile at them.
He begin to walk but the simp group wanted to walk with him cause they have the same class.
Boys made it to class.
Dream seat in back boys fighting over who is gonna sit next to him at the end George sat next to him.
Rest set somewhere around the two glaring at George stick his tongue at them.
Dream just smirked.
In fact, those guys are fighting over who gets to seat next to him.
George glance over to Dream and smiles.
Dream return smile back at him
The rest of them simp are pissed at George.
Dream smirk lifting George's chin up locking their eyes.
George blushed at Dream.

(Btw teacher cant see this because they are in the back of the class and plus she doesn't care about it.)

Dream leaning close leaving a soft kiss n Georges's cheek.
He returned to his copy and wrote down his work.
George was mass.
''I'm gonna kill you'' Willbur mutter to George.
'' Fucking sly fox'' Fundy said to himself.
''Holy shit he did not'' Punz said breaking his pencil.
Sapnap Techno and Karl just glared at George.
Class ended.
Dresm walking out of the class his sibling running to him.
''Hey, How was your class?'' Dream asks kneeling down next to Tubbo and Tommy.
'' It was fine,'' Tubbo said hugging Dream.
''Boring'' Tommy said crossing his arms.
Dream smiles picking Tubbo up and Tommy walking next to them.
Walking over to the field where Tommy and Tubbo have their Football practice.
Also, the simp plays football but higher level, Tommy and Tubbo are both lower level.

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