Chapter 7

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Dream Pov:
I got told by my dad that we have to go to Punz's house cause they have a meeting there.
I didn't want to go but oh well Punz dad want to meet me.

I didn't want to go but oh well Punz dad want to meet me

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I put on the outfit that Tommy pick out for me.
He knows me too well.
They are going to cause Punz has a younger brother Purple so they gonna play with him while I will hang out with Punz and the rest of the group.
''Bubba!!'' Tubbo shouted.
''Yess'' I yell out.
''Let's go!'' Tubbo said.
I grabbed my phone and went downstairs.
We went to the car and start going there.
I scroll throw Twitter and youtube.
My brother keep laughing and joking around.
About 35minuta we are here.
It was a huge mansion painted white and with golden details.

Nobody's Pov:
They went up to the door and a man open the door. Man look like Punz but an older version of him.
''Hello you must be Dream I'm Ronald nice to meet you'' Man shakes Dream's hand.
Dream smile as Purple run out and hugged Dream.
Dream hugged back and Purple grabbed Tommy and Tubbo hands and runoff.
''Dream you can go upstairs to Punz first room left'' Ronald said to Dream he nodded and went upstairs.
He knock on the door and heard a ''COME IN'' So he went in to see Punz sitting in his gaming chair.
''Wow ooolalala look at you baby~'' Punz said looking at Dream.
''Hey, Punzy~''Dream said walking towards Punz.
Dream sat on Punz lap turning toward him.
Punz smirked and grabbed on Dreams waist pulling him closer.
Dream put his hand on Punz cheek and other around Punz neck.
''Can I kiss you, baby?'' Punz asked looking into Dream's eyes.
''You don't have to ask'' Dream said leaning closer.
And just like that their lips connected dance together.
Punz bit Dream's bottom lip and Dream open it.
Punz slips his tongue in and explores Dream's mouth.
Punz gripped Dream's waist and pulled their bodies together.
Dream played with Punz hair as they continue making out.
They broke apart and look at each other.
Their foreheads touch as they look at each eye.
Dream giggle and Punz melted as Dream giggle.
Punz kissed Dream cheek and hugged him.
They got interrupted by knocking.
''Ugh,'' Punz groaned.
The rest of the simps came in a saw Dream and Punz cuddling.
''Punz you baster!'' Sapnap said annoyed.
''Hey, Darling~'' Wilbur said walking up to Punz and Dream kissing Dreams lips gently.
''Oh come on I didn't even get to kiss him yet'' George whine out.
Dream smirked getting off Punzs lap walking towards George.
Dream sat down on George's lap, George was sitting on the floor.
George blushed as Dream draped his arms on George's shoulders.
Geroge wraps his arm around Dream's waist and other hands on Dreams thigh groping it.
''Mhmm ahh~''Dream moan in George's ear.
George smirked and kissed Dream's lips.
Slipping his tongue in and his and Dream tongue dancing with each other.
They broke and fined a new angel to connect their lips.
Dream broke apart to catch air.
''Is this okay now Gogy~'' Dream said looking at George.
''Woah you are a great kisser~'' Is all Geroge said.
Dream getting up from George's lap.
Dream went up to Fundy and sat down on his lap snuggling closer to him.
Fundy chuckles and protectively wraps his arms around Dream.
Another knock on the door and Punz answer it was Ninja nobody really liked him not even Dream or simps.
''Ugh, what do you want?'' Punz said annoyed.
''Just hang out come on'' Ninja said looking at Dream.
''Awww who is this cutie~'' Ninja said walking towards Dream.
Fundy hissed at Ninja ''Don't come near him''.
''Jeez just wanna say hi'' Ninja scoffs.
Dream turns in Fundys arms and looks up to Fundy.
''Hey, foxy~'' Dream said sitting up in Fundys arms.
''Hey honey~'' Fundys said hugging Dream.
Dream giggle and hugged back.
Dream looked at Ninja and Ninja smirked at Dream winking at him.
Dream flinch and put his face in the crook of Fundys neck.
Fundy saw Dream try to hide his face from Ninja and he gently hold his hand.
Dream gripping Fundys hand.
''Are you okay buttercup'' Fundy whisper in Dream's ear.
''I don't like Ninja he makes me uncomfortable'' Dream whispered back.
Fundy kissed Dreams temple.
''Well guys I gtg see yaa at school'' Ninja said leaving.
''Finally, he is gone'' Wilbur said.
'' Guys Dream is uncomfortable around Ninja'' Fundy said getting everyone's attention.
''Sunshine are you okay now'' Techno said sitting beside Fundy talking Dream in his arms.
''Tch what a jerk'' Sapnap said moving to sit beside Technos legs.
''Don't worry Darling he won't go near you'' Wilbur said crossing his arms.
''Baby we will protect you'' Punz said looking at Dream.
Karl and George nodded at all ideas.
Dream gave them all a warm smile.
They all hang out for a while until it was time to go.
They all went downstairs where Schlatt and Tommy and Tubbo waited.
They said goodbye and left the house.

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