Chapter 9

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Nobody's Pov:
Dream and Sapnap walk throw crowed of people just staring at them.
They went over to the table where the rest of the harem was sitting.
''Hi, guys!'' Dream said excitedly.
They all give them a warm smile.
Dream got pulled into Fundys lap.
Fundy protectively wrapped his arms around Dream's waist.
Dream giggle and place a kiss on Fundys nose.
Fundy blushed slightly.
''Mhm Dear you broke the fox'' Wilbur said letting out a chuckle.
''Is not my fault I'm cute and everyone adores me'' Dream said sassily.
''True sunshine we do adore you'' Techno said leaning against the wall.
''I have a cheer practice today can guys come to watch me'' Dream said doing puppy eyes.
''how can we say no to those eyes we will come baby'' Punz said holding Dream hand.
Dream smile and start eating his lunch.
The rest of the lunchtime they spend talking and laughing.
Then the bell went off for the last class.
Techno is the only person who has the same class as Dream.
Techno got up pulling Dream up too.
Locking their hands together and waving others off.
They left to go to the last class of the day.
The teacher made a sitting plan.
Dream sat in the middle of Techno and Ninja.
Ninja keeps trying to touch Dream and Dream slaps his hand away.
Techno got more annoyed and angry every minute Ninja try to touch Dream.
He wrapped his arm around Dream's waist pulling him in his side.
Dream smile at Techno's reaction.
Placing a soft kiss on Technos cheek.
Techno smile and his cheek burn.
Ninja was jealous even tho he had a crush on Dream for a long time.
He won't give up on Dream.
Dream locked his hand with Technos hand that was on his waist.
Techno smile kissing Dream forehead.
Dream giggle leaning on Technos shoulder.
Bell soon rang Techno put his Stuff in the bag putting it on his shoulder then picked Dream up.
Dream yelp in surprise but wraps his legs around Technos waist and puts his arms around Technos neck.
Techno placed his arms under Dreams thighs holding him closely.
Dream smiled and kissed Technos neck.
Techno left class carrying Dream in his arms.
They went to the field where Dream has a cheer practice.
The rest of the harem was already there waiting for them.
''Heyy guys'' Techno said cuddling Dream close.
''hmm is darling okay?'' Wilbur said walking over to the two.
''He is okay don't worry'' Techno said looking at Dream who is playing with his necklace.
''Baby come on you have practice we will cuddle later'' Sapnap said.
Dream groan getting off Technos lap.
Running off to changing room.
Dream change into a-

(It look like this ^)Dream smiled the way it fit him he grabbed his pom-poms and ran out of the changing room

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(It look like this ^)
Dream smiled the way it fit him he grabbed his pom-poms and ran out of the changing room.
The boys stared at Dream mouth open.
Dream giggled and run off to his team.
Boys watch their little baby flying around doing flips
Stars and much more.
The best one was when Dream was on top of the Pyramid shaking his pon poms.
Dream got sat down and sigh sweat running down his head.
Wilbur went behind Dream and grabbed him.
''Oh my god, Will!'' Dream said turning around facing Wilbur.
Wilbur giggles kissing Dreams cheek.
Dream blushed in all shades of pink.
The rest of the boys came over to two.
''You did amazing baby~'' Punz said running his fingers on exposed skin on Dreams waist.
Dream snapped out of his gay panic and lean in Punz's touch.
Punz smirked kissing the back of Dreams neck.
''mhm I can't disagree with Punz~'' Sapnap said standing in front of Dream being short but still.
Dream wrapped his arms around Sapnaps neck playing with his bandanna.
Sapnap went for Dreams neck leaving soft kisses and marks.
Dream biting his lips trying not to make any sounds.
''Baby doesn't do that~'' Sapnap said moving his hand around Dream's waist.
''okay you horny bitches leave my damn cub alone'' Fundy hissed pulling Dream to him.
Dream snuggles into Fundys chest.
Fundy smile kissing Dreams forehead.
The rest of the group join except Punz and Sapnap.

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