Chapter 12

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Dream woke up the next morning.
Realizing today the simps have a football game so all classes are canceled.
As usual, Dream did his routine and went to pick out an outfit.

He then went downstairs and grabbed an apple before leaving the house early than usual just to see his simps

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He then went downstairs and grabbed an apple before leaving the house early than usual just to see his simps.
He walks down the road listening to some music.
He made his way to the field and looked around to see most of the players already playing just to warm up.
He spotted his group and walked over to them.
''Hi, guys'' Dream said smiling.
''Darling you came'' Wilbur said pressing a soft kiss on Dream's cheek.
''of course, I came'' Dream said rolling his eyes.
''Now now don't have an attitude with us~'' Punz said holding Dream's waist.
Dream scoffed and playfully rolled his eyes.
''Hey stop with an attitude today you are here to support us'' Sapnap said.
''I will support you, Im, just joking'' Drem said pulling Punz in a kiss.
''Yeah no'' George said pulling Dream away from Punz.
Punz pouted.
Dream giggled softly.
''Okay, enough'' Wilbur said chuckling.
Dream went to sit in the stadium and the game begin.
He smiled as his school team run out waving and smiling.
Dream chuckles as Sapnap blow an air kiss to him.
The game was going smooth until Ninja decided to trip Techno.
Techno spine around and end up getting nose bleed.
Dream stood up and run down the stadium on the field.
He kneels down next to Techno placing his head on his lap.
''Hey Techno'' Dream said softly.
Techno opened his eyes slightly to see Dream.
''Wilbur!'' Dream screamed as Wilbur ran over to him.
Helping Dream to lift Techno on his feet taking him to the nurse.
Dream stood up and walk over to Ninja.
''Hey, darl-'' Ninja got cut off by Dream slapping him hard.
''You are the most fucking prick of the guy I ever meet you just trip Techno on purpose from jealousy this is all your fault you jerk'' Dream yelled kicking Ninja in the stomach hard.
Fundy pulled Dream away from him holding him.
''Shhh relax sugerplump'' Fundy said calming Dream down.
Dream hugged Fundy crying softly.
The fans start cheering for Dream.
That made Dream smile softly throw tears and he went to the nurse to see Techno.
''Hey, sweetheart'' Dream said sitting next to Techno on the bed.
Techno smiled softly grabbing Dream's hand '' Hi baby'' He said chuckling.
''Are you feeling better?'' Dream asked laying next to Techno cuddling him.
''Now that you are here'' Techno said wrapping his arms around Dream and cuddling.
Dream stayed with Techno for a few hours until he had to leave.
''Hope you get better babe I have to go home I will see you tomorrow'' Dream said kissing Techno's forehead.
Techno nodded and waved Dream goodbye.

Dream was walking home alone it was afternoon and the sun was slowly setting down.
He was thinking about what was happening to him these few last months.
He doesn't know what to do.
He was lost in these thoughts when he realized he was home.
He opened the door and walked in.
''Hey, papa'' Dream said sitting on a stool at the counter.
''Hey, sweetheart what's wrong'' Quackity asked looking at his older son.
''I just have some issues with guys I like and stuff'' Dream said looking at his dad.
''Oh sweetie is okay I know it's hard to find out who you like. I suggest you take a break from guys and think about your choice'' Quackity said hugging Dream.
''Thank papa'' Dream said hugging his dad back.
Dream went to bed then and fell asleep.

The next morning Dream got ready to go to school and was ready to start ignoring his harem.

The next morning Dream got ready to go to school and was ready to start ignoring his harem

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He dropped his siblings off and hugged them goodbye and headed to his class.
Dream was walking down the hallway thinking about his love life.
He suddenly bumped into somebody.
''Oh, I-am sorry'' Dream said picking up the books he drop.
''Is okay baby'' Guy said.
Dream obviously knows whose voice that is.
Dream want to walk away but was pulled back in Punz's arms.
''What's the rush baby'' Punz said holding Dream's waist.
''Sorry Punz I just think I need some break from you and rest to think about everything please understand me. I love you guys very much I just need time'' Dream said looking at Punz.
''I understand darling and we will give you some space, we love you too'' Punz said even tho it hurts.
Dream kissed Punz's lips one last time before leaving.
Punz smiled but his smile changed into tears.
He ran off to their usually meet-up spot.
Where he was meeting with everyone.
''Punz what happened?''Sapnap asked pulling Punz into a hug.
''D-dream needs a break from us and he didn't tell me why and I don't know will he wants us back'' Punz said sobbing in Sapnaps arms.
They all look at each other.
Sadness washed over them.
As for Dream, he was hurt even more but he knows what his dad said to him and knows what is good for him.
When he is ready to talk to them he will say everything he needs to say to them.
Until that pain is his bestfriend.

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