Chapter 6

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Dream Pov:
I woke up to my alarm going off I turn it off and got up going to the bathroom doing my morning routine and getting ready for the school day.

Dream Pov:I woke up to my alarm going off I turn it off and got up going to the bathroom doing my morning routine and getting ready for the school day

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(This is what Dream is wearing ^)
I put in outfit e boots and fixed my hair grabbing my bag and phone, Tommy and tubbo didn't go to school today.
I went downstairs grab an apple said bye to my parents and went off.

Nobody's Pov:
Dream walk down the said walk listening to some music and scrolling throw twitter.
He made it to the school and went in.
People chatting and laughing.
He went down to his locker and grabbed his books for his class.
He fell arms around his waist and he jumped.
''Chill darling~''Dream sighs in relief cause it was Wilbur.
''Jeez you scared me'' Dream said turning into Wilburs arms.
''You look nice in that outfit'' Wilbur said licking his lips.
''Thank you Wil'' Dream said leaning closer to Wilbur.
Both lean and their lips connected perfectly sweet taste of each other lips drive them crazy.
Dream arms went around Wilbur's neck while Wilbur Tighten his arms around Dream's waist.
Wilbur bit Dream's bottom lip asking for entering and Dream let him in.
Wilbur slipped his tongue in and explore every inch of Dreams mouth.
They broke apart and look at each other.
''Wow you are a good kisser~'' Wilbur said.
''You are not bad yourself~'' Dream smirked.
''Are we interrupting something'' Both turn around to see the rest of the group.
''Oh, sorry guys'' Dream said breaking away from Wilbur's hold.
''Mhm, we accept apologize'' Techno said leaning on the locker.
''You look nice Dream'' Sapnap said looking him up and down.
''Thanks, shorty~'' Dream smirked at Sapnap pouting.
Dream giggle bell went off and Karl grabbed Dreams arms and they went off to class together.
They walk half class just sitting in.
They sit in the back of the class.
Karl was nervous cause there is a test for that class.
Dream grabbed Karl's hand and kissed it.
Karl looks up to Dream.
Dream lean closer and whisper into Karl's ear '' Don't be nervous Pumpkin~'' Dream said kissing Karl cheek.
Karl giggle and hold Dream's hand.
The rest of the class went smoothly and calmly.
Bell went off.
Everyone leaves but Karl and Dream.
Karl stopped Dream.
''Thank you for helping me'' Karl said little embarrassed.
''No problem''Dream said pulling Karl into a hug.
Karl hugged back and giggle.
They went to the field where they agree to meet.
Everyone is there and Karl and Dream walk towards them.
Karl held Dreams hand.
''Hey, beautiful~'' George said walking to Dream.
''Hi, gogy~'' Dream return it.
Karl steps aside from being Jealous.
''How were you class cutie~'' Punz looks at Dream smirking.
''My class was fine'' Dream said his arms around George.
George had his arms around Dream neck playing with his hair.
''So when will you accept us to be your boyfriends''
Fundys said eyeing Dream.
''Hmmm, maybe later or maybe soon'' Dream said sitting down on the grass when George was in his arms.
They all sit around Dream and talk to him.
The rest of the school day went okay without any problem.
In front of the school, Dream was about to leave when Fundy grabbed him by the hips.
Dream flinch but was relieved when he saw Fundy.
''Hey, Fundy what's up'' Dream said.
''Umm can I kiss you'' Fundy said nervously.
Dream giggle a pulled Fundy by the neck down a kissed him passionately.
Fundy kissed back and pulled Dream closer by the waist.
They broke apart.
''Wow you are amazing'' Fundy said hugging Dream.
''Thanks but I gtg bye dream wave and went home.
Dream knows that his dad has another meeting with his friends which means he gonna have to deal with his simp but oh well.
Also, the picture above is not mine and is from Twitter by @irrttggg

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