Chapter 11

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It is sunday around 4:50 pm Dream was getting ready to go to Technos party.
Dream was picking out oufit for himself and he decided to go for skirt.

Dream was picking out oufit for himself and he decided to go for skirt

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(This is what Dream picked up ^)

He put on some make-up and made his hair.
Dream grabbed his phone and went downstairs.
He said goodbye to his family and walk to Technos house which was near the park.
When he made it their music was able to be heard there was a bright flashlight coming from the windows.
Dream walk up to the front door and knocked on the door.
Techno opened the door and smirked.
''Hello, baby~'' Techno said pulling Dream in.
''Hi Techno'' Dream said giggling slightly.
Techno held Dream's hand and dragged him throw a crowd of people.
To see the rest of the simps.
''Cub you came too'' Fundy said walking over to Dream and kissing his cheek.
''Hi to you too dear'' Dream said hugging Fundy.
''Well damn darling you look great~'' Sapnap said smirking.
''Thank you sappy~'' Dream said breaking away from the hug.
Dream walked over and sat on Karl's lap sideways.
''Mine now'' Karl said wrapping his arms around Dream.
Dream let out a soft giggle and start kissing Karl.
''And now they are making out'' George said.
''Jealous much'' Dream mumbled loud enough for them to hear and continue to make out with Karl.
''Damn he got you there!'' Punz said punching George's arm lightly.
Dream broke away from the make-out session and smirked.
''Nice honey~'' Dream said getting off Karl's lap.
He start to walk away when Wilbur grabbed him.
''Where are you off sweetheart~'' Wilbur asked holding Dream's waist.
''To get Drink wanna come with me~'' Dream said grabbing Wilbur's hand a dragging him away.
Dream stood by Wilbur as he poured some punch into the cup and give it to Dream.
''Thank dear'' Dream said smiling.
''No problem'' Wilbur said grabbing himself some too.
''Hey, sweetie'' Ninja said walking over to Dream.
''Don't call me that'' Dream said as Wilbur pulled him into his chest and held his waist.
Dream placed his arm around Wilbur's neck.
''Awww why not~'' Ninja said smirking.
''Only 7 people are allowed to call me that and you are not one of them'' Dream said kissing Wilbur's cheek.
Ninja stomped and walked away.

Wilbur and Dream walked away back to the group.
Dream sat in between Fundy and George.
''What happened baby mouse?'' George asked placing his hand on Dream's thigh.
''Just Ninja keeps bothering me'' Dream said grabbing Fundy's hand.
''Awww is okay we will protect you'' Fundy said kissing Dream's hand.
''Thanks, guys you are the best'' Dream said smiling at the group.
The simps smiled warmly at Dream.
''I love you guys'' Dream said blushing slightly.
''We love you to Dreamie~'' Simps said.
Eventually, Dream decided to go home.
''Wait baby mouse let me walk you home'' Fundy said.
Drem nodded and grabbed Fundy's hand and begin walking.
Fundy blushed slightly as seen Dream shining under the moonlight.
They made it to the Dream Home.
Dream turn to Fundy ''Thank you for walking me home'' He said pulling Fundy closer.
Kissing him gently He wrapped his arms around Fundy's neck.
Fundy's hands grabbed Dream's hips.
They share rather a sweet moment.
Dream broke the kiss hugging Fundy.
''No problem baby~'' Fundy whispered in Dream's ear.
He smiled and watched Dream leave.
Dream walked into the house quietly but was caught.
''Who were you kissing? Tommy asked crossing his arms.
''Why are you dressed like that?'' Tubbo asked looking Dream up and down.
''Why are you two still up!'' Dream said yelling quietly.
''Dad and Papa fell asleep on the couch and we didn't want to wake them up,'' Tommy said pointing to where Quackity and Schlatt were cuddling on the couch sleeping peacefully.
Dream smiles softly them turning his gaze back to his siblings.
''Come on go to bed now'' Dream said as Tommy and Tubbo run upstairs followed by Dream chasing after them.
He tucked his brothers in bed and kissed their foreheads.
''Night you too'' Dream said softly.
He left the room and went to his own room to change.
Then he went downstairs and placed a blanket over his parents.
He sigh and smiled to himself.
Before going back to his room and falling asleep.

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