"I don't think Steve likes me. I don't know what I did." Maggie sat with Natasha at yet another one of Tony's parties.
Natasha pushes a drink in front of her, "what makes you think that?"
Maggie laughed as she accepted the amber liquid, drinking it in one drink. "Are you kidding? I have been here for months and he barely talks to me. When he does, it's short sentences. I mean, I'm not asking him to be my best friend, but fuck."
Maggie groaned as she turned to see Steve standing behind her. "Sorry Cap." She stood up from the bar as he took a drink from Natasha, "would you like to dance Captain?"
She watched Steve hesitate, looking down at her, "I don't think that's a good idea."
Maggie looked at Natasha who just shrugged. She turned from them, wiping a tear from her face as she left them at the bar, leaving the party. She stormed onto the roof, seething. She had no idea what she had done to make him hate her so much. She about jumped out of her skin when Thor appeared behind her. "Fuck Thor! You can't sneak up on a woman alone at night!"
Thor laughed, "I am sorry little one. I saw you leave the party so suddenly. What's the matter?"
Maggie watched Thor, he had become her closest friend since she arrived at the compound months ago. "It's nothing Thor. I'm fine."
He grabbed her hand, "well come on then, dance with me."
She laughed as she let him lead her back to the party, to the center of the dance floor. She noticed Steve watching them as Thor placed his hand on her lower back, holding her close to him. He held her other hand in his as she placed her hand at the nape of his neck. She had felt lucky to have at least one good friend there besides Natasha. "Thank you Thor." She rested her head on his shoulder.
"For what little one?"
"For always being my friend. Seems they aren't very open to new people around here."
She heard him sigh as she looked up at him, "what's the matter Thor?"
He shook his head, "no. Nothing little one." She was always insistent on calling him her 'friend'. When would she notice he wanted more than that?
After the song ended, he let her go as she made her way back to the bar. She saw a blonde turn to face her as she approached. Maggie held out her hand, "hi. You're Sharon Carter right? I'm Maggie."
The woman stood up and accepted her hand with a smile, "I am. Yeah." Maggie noticed her look behind her before looking back at Maggie, "Maggie is short for Margaret?"
Maggie looked from Sharon to Nat, back to Sharon, "yeah. Why?"
Sharon nodded, "right. It's nothing. My aunt's name was Margaret. That's all."
Maggie watched as Steve approached them, holding his hand out to Sharon to dance. Sharon nodded politely at Maggie and walked off with Steve. She turned back to Nat, "so he'll dance with her but not me? What's so wrong with me?"
Nat just shrugs, "maybe you should ask him that. What about you and Thor?"
"I have asked him. He never says anything. And Thor and I are just friends. Besides you, he seems to be the only one that wants me here. Oh well. I'm going to bed. Later."
Maggie is woken up in the middle of the night by ruckus outside her bedroom. She opened the door to see Steve in only shorts, talking to a dark haired man, "hey. I'm glad you're back."
The dark haired man turned around when he heard Maggie open her door. He turned to find a woman with short brown hair and big blue eyes. She only wore an oversized t-shirt that just covered everything. She was beautiful, she made his heart skip a beat. He took a step towards her, "you must be the new girl. I'm Bucky."
She noticed the metal arm for the first time, "Margaret. Maggie. Nice to meet you."
"Margaret?" He looked from Steve back to her. "Nice to meet you too. I should get to bed."
She watched Bucky walk to his room which happened to be the one next to hers. She looked back at Steve who seemed to be watching her. She had never seen him without a shirt before. She knew that he was in shape, but the uniform did him no justice as he stood in front of her, the moonlight from the window shining on his chest. She looked up to what appeared to be an amused look from him as he watched her looking at him. She blushed as she backed into her room. "Goodnight Margaret." She watched him go back to his room across the hall, and close the door. That was probably the most polite he had ever been to her.
What was it with her name? Everyone acted like they had never heard the name Margaret before. Sharon, and now Bucky. Steve called her Margaret instead of Maggie. No one ever called her Margaret, not even her mother. She shook her head and tried not to think about it as she tried to sleep.

Secrets 🖤
Fanfiction~~Completed~~ Margaret had arrived almost 6 months ago now to visit her friend Natasha. After being rescued from the Red Room when she was just a young teen, Natasha had found her a family nearby so she could keep an eye on her. She had drifted arou...