Chapter Forty-Six

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"Shouldn't you like...change out of those clothes?" I looked at Eden as he wrinkled his nose as he sat down beside me.

I shrugged. I personally didn't care if I was still covered in blood and dirt, of course the nurses didn't want me to "contaminate" their scene but whatever. They could try dragging me out.

"What if he wakes up when I'm gone?" I looked at Alex's still body, the only movement was his chest, up and down with every breathe, but that was because of the machine that made him breathe, what was it called again?

"He won't, just go home, sleep, have a shower, eat and then come back,"

Eden clearly did that, he was in new more comfortable clothes looking relaxed but I couldn't relax. Not when I was so confused right now.

Where was home?

Where was I meant to go?


And dream about Alex dying, I would rather not.

And I doubt any type of food would do down my throat without feeling like bricks.

And I couldn't just leave him here, by himself. Seeing him on this bed, I had no regret of what I did to J-the prince. He deserved it, I should have inflicted more pain. Maybe cut him apart into pieces while he wa still alive.

Or maybe not.

It had been roughly thirteen hours since I first sat down in this chair, and it wasn't very comfortable, but it was't like I was counting and waiting. Nor was I watching numerous nurses come in, write stuff down, and walk out.

But I just felt like something should have changes.

They were muttering words like "Life-support," and, "Coma," or something strange. All I know was I couldn't loose the only family I had left. I was used to being alone, but this felt like it was a different "alone" all together, and I wasn't sure I wanted to be alone alone.

"I'll be back," Eden said getting out and I nodded not even realising he was still  here. I sighed running my hands over my face and closing my eyes, pressing my fingers against my eye-lids.

But all I saw was flashes, and I opened them staring at the floor. Try being positive, but that was hard.

I smelt him before I felt him sit down beside me.

"They let you go?"I asked looking up at Daniel as he relaxed in the chair, where Eden was sitting moments ago, kicking his legs out and crossing them at the ankles. Dressed in the hospital gown he looked...weird and slightly comical.

"They can't stop me," He shrugged, his arm was in a tan coloured sling holding it in place. I could see the dressing change, this one didn't have blood but you could see a bit where the wound was. 

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