Chapter Seven

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Okay maybe I should have listened to greyguard instead I was standing in pure confusion not realising what he was mouthing till he yelled it out at me. 

Finally my legs registered what he was saying and I bent down and joined him on the other side of the van. And then it hit me. Did someone just try shooting at me.

Oh hell no.

I stood up taking my gun out from my ankle holster.

"What are you doing?" asked greyguard frowning as he kept motioning for me to sit down. I scoffed.

"As if some asshole just shot at me, they won't get away with that!"

I never understood why in movies people hid when there were shots being fired. It was a small bullet coming at you, simple. dodge it. People has shit aim anyways. It was like a game of dodgeball but the target was small so it could easily miss, or it could easily hit you.

You had to take a gamble.

I took the side to my left peeking out from behind the van, clearly the shots were coming from that way because we came from behind and we saw, well I saw no one when I came from there.

And I was right. Another shot was fired missing me by a mile and hitting an empty box on the other side. Pfft, did he even gun?

"Isandra I order you to get back here,"

I rolled my eyes. From the gunshots you knew there was only one person, the shots all sounded the same. And four shots were already fired which means there were two left. 

I bent down taking of one shoe and looked back at the long deserted alley, it was all a trick. I closed one eye and chucked my shoe does and sure enough the two last shots were fired. Mwahaha go me.

Clicking the safety off I walked down the van.

"Okay if you surrender I'll be nice an- Shit!" I ducked as another shot was fired. Okay clearly I couldn't count. I was sure they all were over now since there was nothing. I mumbled looking down at the wet puddle I stepped in, just bloody great.

"You really messed with the wrong girl now mate," I snapped standing up. Before he had the chance to escape I walked over to the other side and aimed my gun, nothing. What the?

There was a rustle from the right side and I looked at the mountain of empty boxes standing there. It was like someone had moved houses and then donated him all their carton boxes so he could build a fort.

"Come closer and I'll shoot," I heard a shaky voice mutter. 

I rolled my eyes taking a step anyway and wincing when I felt the wet sock drench my pink toe, this was gross and disgusting. And someone owes me a new shoe. I am going to blame Alex, if he gave me proper pants I wouldn't have needed to chuck a shoe.

I know there was a massive flaw in that argument but whatever.

I felt a noise behind me and saw greyguard finally mustered the guts to come out.

"You go," I muttered nodding while I held my position. I really didn't want to talk with one wet foot and get more dirty whatever that was in this alley on my feet. Man I was scrubbing the layer of skin off. 

Just imagine that puddle, people could have peed in it or vomited or no, stop thinking that's gross. 

Greyguard nodded getting out his gun and walking behind the cartons. 

I leaned back against the van as I waited for him to pull him out. There was a rustle, a loud thump and then silence. What the?

Oh don't tell me the hero needed rescuing. I rolled my eyes and sauntered over annoyed at the fact that I threw my shoe. Well at least I didn't throw my gun.

"You're weak," I muttered and sure enough gregyguard was on the ground kneeling holding his head and holding a gun. I looked up from him to the other guy and my jaw dropped.

"How old are you eight?" I muttered looking at the guy in scrawny clothing and ripped jeans that hung way too low on his jeans. At least I didn't volunteer for mine to be that low, they were just big.

"No how old are you 85?" He asked. I frowned narrowing my eyes.

"Asshole," I muttered stepping over greyguard as he got up. The boy has a large pipe of some type which he clearly hit greyguard with. 

"Now put it down or I'll kill you," I muttered losing my patience. 

I heard greyguard make some noise, "You can't do that," I think he whispered. I turned over and glared at him, "Yea but he didn't know that, now he does thank you idiot," I muttered.

The boy, who was probably in his late teens smiled standing up straighter.

"You can't do anything to me," he muttered. I rolled my eyes and then aimed the gun and shot him. right in his left leg. He screamed dropping to the ground and dropped the pipe. I stepped over his body going behind him and lifting him up.

"I maybe can't kill you, but damn straight I can shoot you," 

Greyguard came over and helped me lift him as we half carried him back to where Alex and the other men was. Apart from the string of curses the teenager was giving I would have loved to make a conversation with him.

Alex seemed to be waiting for us as we walked over, a good safe distance away from the royal couple. Probably not wanting to cause them to panick.

"What on earth," he muttered walking towards us. 

"Culprit found now give me your shoes," I muttered. Alex's eyes flipped down to my legs and back up.

"Isandra, where is your shoe?"

I sat on the edge of a bench drying my sock in the sun, or realy just stretching my foot out and enjoying the way the sun hit it, and making people walk about in. Haha I was pure evil yes.

I watched as Alex and some of the men had called an ambulance. I rolled my eyes, if I was them I would intergoate the boy frist, he would be in so much pain he wouldn't have had a chance to lie. 

I turned to the side where the royal couple were still going,  Catherina didn't look like she wanted to be there, the more to stay here as long as possible. I could feel my stomach grumbling, I wanted food. I looked around and saw a food van on the opposite street, I would have to walk there with one shoe on.

But hunger won and I stood up streathing and took a step forward stepping on a pebble and cursing, great someone put that there on purpose.

"Hey Isandra," 

I looked over my shoulder to see greyguard semi jog to catch up to the spot I was standing in.

"Nice job back there," he said.

I shrugged and opened my mouth but then stopped when I saw what he was holding.

My shoe!

A smile broke onto my grin as I grabbed it. I held onto his left shoulder as I lifted my leg up and shoved it on.

"Ah that feeling," I muttered as I wriggled my warm socks agaisnt the leather. Oh that felt good.

"Well try not to have too much fun without me," I muttered as I started walking.

"Where are you going?"

I turned around and walked backwards as I patted my stomach, "A girl needs her beauty food,"

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