Chapter Forty-Eight

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I can't address how sorry I am for making you all wait, but life got really busy and hectic for me, and I am so so grateful that you guys stuck around you don't know how much it means. I'm going to finish this story and all my other ones asap. Thank you so much guys it really means a lot. 

Recap: Isandra has killed the prince after we find out that he wanted to kill Nik who was meant to be the original heir (But wasn't because he parents left choosing love instead of power), and now she has been placed in a cell and sees someone that looks like her dad, but could also be a part of her imagination.

Oh, and Daniel is back

* * * 

I squinted my eyes but the man had already turned around and disappeared into his corner of the cell where I couldn't see him.

Don't be stupid.

Why would dad be here? I didn't even know what he looked like anymore. The only thing I had of them was a very faint memory, time changes appearances, and people. 

Were they even alive?

My stomach clenched and I shook my head, they are alive, I know they are. But what could possibly be more important to them than their own children, their jobs.

Why would people like that even have children, I frowned, now this was just making me angry. No, don't think about it. Thankfully I had something new to think about as something was thrown into the room, the bowl rattling on the ground and I wrinkled my nose at the foul looking white slop and looked up at the guard.


"For who, rats?"

He didn't respond as he looked up and took his position guarding my cell again. So much for words, and here I thought I could have a conversation to kill time. I looked at the "food" again, looked like porridge.

Skipping dinner one night won't kill me. 

I sighed leaning back on the wall and stretching my legs out, but maybe hanging will get me killed, was I going to get hanged?

I looked at my palms as I stretched them out on my lap, maybe I deserve to be hanged, for how many people these hands have killed, hurt, broken. And maybe that would ease the heaviness that followed me everywhere.

Did ghosts exist? Did they follow me in revenge? Are they laughing at me now, glad that I was going to join them soon.

But, Daniel, my stomach twisted thinking about the strange man. And my heart hurt, and this feeling, it was weird. And I had no idea how to explain it, it was like shivering in the heat, feeling warm in the cold, hungry even though you keep eating, it was like a feeling that was unexplainable.

And the voice in my head, I could hear it perfectly, the way he spoke to me, the way he smiled. It almost made me want to live, made me think that I didn't deserve to be punished for what I did. 

I can make us disappear again

Should I have listened to him? Should I have run away with him? What would I have done after that? The guilt of running like a coward, the black mark on my name, the shame I would have brought my family name. But then again, everyone would have known what I did by now, those kids that once adored me, the guards I once worked for, the people who respected me, it was all gone.

So maybe I should have left with them. I bit my lip looking up, the lights were darker, and it was dim, and it smelled, I wouldn't be sitting here. 

He waned me to come with him, but how far was he going to come, to stay, what if he left after?

 I remembered the time when we were together with Michael, the day I had killed someone on the roof, the fact he was so concerned about if I was okay, are you hurt, the way his eyes looked at me, and that made my stomach flip. But then I remember those eyes change as he realised I had killed him.

Just. Like. That.

And I didn't like the way those eyes looked at me. That would have been the first time I questioned if I should have kept him alive ,it was a millisecond of question, but the first I ever wondered. 

And the picture, the very rare time I did take a picture, and that made me smile to myself like an idiot.  It just made me realise that I would miss him, he was a good friend, he made me forget the trail of bodies I leave behind.

He made me laugh more than anyone else has and he was logical when I wasn't. I guess he would be someone I miss, right after my brother of course. But Daniel, he was almost contagious.

And then I remembered that day. My heart skipped a beat.

The one time I failed, the look in his brown eyes, and the feel of his lips on mine. It still gave me the tingles. No guy has been brave enough to try that on me. I should have felt deceived, I did, but there was something else. 

He had gotten through my guard, messed with someone, broke the one thing I was set on loyalty, but for some reason I wasn't angry at him.

And I couldn't bring myself that day to pull the damn trigger, maybe I should have, half the troubled and these weird feelings would have disappeared. 

And then my throat did that stupid burning in the Sahara thing it did while I remembered him. I should be thing about my friends, my brother, not him right now. 

But I was.

And I think thinking of that stupid kiss, the feel of his hand on my cheek, and that made me flush, I could still remember the warmth, the feel of his body against mine.

Stop thinking about him

Would he miss me if I died, what did he do in the past few years.

I'd rather lose to you

I could remember the soft whisper as he said that, and the final stare of those brown eyes, it was being warm in the cold. And I just couldn't do it. But with Jax, I didn't even hesitate.

But that was different, that was for Nik. Oh poor Nik. 

I wonder what he wanted to tell me that day, but I didn't want to listen, but if  get out of this, I want to know what he wanted to say. 

My heart itched, that weird feeling but the next thing I knew was a loud clang and I jumped looking up. 

Something was happening, or someone was coming, I could hear footsteps and a lot of voices talking getting louder. 

I sat up straight crossing my legs but kept leaning against the wall as I saw the silhouettes come closer, two people talking in hushed voices.

And as they came closer, I realised who they were.

The guard checked their I.D before one of them was let in and I smiled seeing a familiar face, "Hey Chief, how's it going?"

Sorry for taking forever, working on the next chapter now :) remember to vote if you liked it. 

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