Chapter Eight

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None of my chapters are edited, so sorry not sorry.

I sighed patting my stomach as I walked into the castle door. Maybe I stayed out for a bit too long because the second I stepped inside Alex got up from the chair and glared at me.

"Where were you?"

"Eating the best hot dogs ever," I muttered. Clearly he hadn't tried them or else he wouldn't be that cranky. No one who had that could be that cranky. They were honestly the best I had ever had. 

"You should have told someone, you know how worried I was? Where is your phone?" he snapped.

I reached for my back pocket, okay it wasn't there. 

I smiled sheepishly "In my room?" I muttered. I had charged it the night before so I probably forgot to take it out.

"And what's it doing there?"

"Having more fun than me," I muttered. Getting a lecture was not fun, especially not one from Alex. He was like your dad, your mum, your ex-boyfriend, you teacher and the president of united states all in one. Ew not ex-boyfriend, this wasn't the incest chronicles.

He raised his hand pinching the bridge of his nose, probably heard me but thank god at the same time some random guard approached him. I quietly tip toed away and headed to the first door I saw, the one to the kitchen. 

I sauntered in like I owned the place and looked around at the chaos that was going on and there right in the middle was greyguard chopping some type of fish up, or shall I saw skillfully slicing.

"What are you making?" I asked walking over. His eyes barely flickered up as he focused on the task.


"No shit Sherlock," I muttered grabbing a slice of salami from the plate. My stomach groaned, as much as I looked salami as well I was just too full, but that didn't stop me from taking a small nibble on it.

"Salmon," said greyguard after a long pause. I tried not to retch, I hated salmon. It was pink and I hated pink. Yes my reason was very justified. 

"You don't like Salmon?' He asked his eyes flickering to my face that probably resembled a baby after it vomited, disgusting.

"It's slimy and gross," I muttered taking another bite of salami.

"That's because you've never tried it when I have made it," 

I rolled my eyes, cocky much?

"I bet it would taste no different,"


"What do I get?"

"I'll think of something," he muttered. I shrugged, "Fine, you're on," I muttered popping the rest of the salami into my mouth. I always hated salmon, ever since the first taste so I knew it won't change my mind.

After spending a few more minutes walking around and talking to people and maybe taking a bite or two of the ingredients around I decided I might as well go outside. The palace had a massive, and oh I really mean massive garden with mazes and everything.

It was a night day and the heat was subsiding so I could walk around.

I went upstairs first though, changing out of this hideous uniform into some jeans and a button up top. As usual I placed my gun in my boots, the downside of skinny jeans, you couldn't strap it to your ankle.

 I quickly hurried back downstairs before I ran into Alex who would mutter at me again, just because he was stressed.

I could feel the annoying metal brushing against my ankle bone but I tried to ignore it. Let's count sheep!

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