Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Listen to the video on the side, hot song from Maroon 5, don't watch their actual video, it's fucked. The song itself is called "Animals' if the video doesn't work, just look it up when you have time

"Why do we have to stay locked up in here?"

I looked up from the novel I was reading locking my eyes with the prince.

Thankfully he had changed out of his vomit filled clothes into spare clothes Eden had in his car, that were too big for him and hanging off his shoulders. With dark circles under what used to be stunning eyes he looked more homeless than a prince.

"Do you want to die?" I asked responding to his question.

Alex kicked the side of my waist and I glared up at him sitting on the couch. I knew lying on the ground in front of him would be a mistake, with the amount of times he had been gently kicking me, I was sure I was going to get a bruise.

Well it was't my fault that the prince was that stupid and had to ask questions that made me really doubt his knowledge. How did he even get into uni?

How the hell was he going to run a bloody country?

Was he even a prince?

Do you even human mate?

Jax narrowed his eyes muttering something and raising his cup to take a sip. I rolled my eyes going back to the English novel Eden had in his car, man, who even reads this stuff? And why the hell did he have everything in his car, the man even had spare toothbrushes and toothpaste.

 It was a story that took place in world war two, but it was boring. 

Eden walked back in with another cup of hot chocolate for Nik who was the only other person on the floor with me, except he was huddling next to the fire place cowering, and scared. And the cheeky flirt I met was replaced with a five year old that was scared.

Which made me a bit sad for him, but welcome to life. It wasn't always happy and fun.

Eden sat back into his arm chair and crossed one leg over another, in the dim lit light of the room that bounced of his jaw line, it seemed very familiar.

I looked back at the book I was reading, trying to concentrate but how can people write such boring books. And how did boring books always get famous?

I groaned closing it and dropping my head, with a not so silent thud, onto the ground. I was hungry. I watched Eden curiously, there was something incredibly similar about him that made it eerie as I watched him. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, my finger hesitating before I typed in the URL.

Surely this wasn't illegal, I was just simply checking up on a fellow worker. I mean I wasn't planning to kill him or something was I? No, just a check. It was then I realised I didn't know his surname.

"Eden?" I asked casually, or tired asking casually trying not to seem like I was trying to dig up his past. I mean a girl can get curious.

"Yes?" he asked looking up.

"What's your surname,"

"Ca-" he stopped abruptly and cleared his throat sitting up, "Why?"

I shrugged, "Just curious, I realised I don't know much about the people I work with," I pushed my phone to the side, subtly or I hoped it was that subtle. With the way his eyes were narrowed at me, I think he didn't buy my lie one bit. 



"It's Eden Black,"

I frowned nodding, not a bad last night name, hell did even his last name have to be as mysterious as him?

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