Chapter Thrity-One

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"Is it done?"

I looked at Daniel as he came down the stairs, he went up to check on Michael who had woken up and decided he was going to work upstairs in his office.

 I raised an eyebrow.

"You put it in before you left, two minutes, ago, what do you think?" I was leaning against the counter behind me as I was sitting on the ground my legs kicked out in front of me, bored.

"I still don't know why we cant get delivery,"

I smacked his head as he grunted, "Because pizza delivery gives away our hiding place you baboon," I snapped looking at the pizzas in the oven. This genius couldn't cook, lasagna, he wanted to make lasagna.

What was he an Italian chef and damn was I hungry and angry because I was hungry.

He made such a huge mess that I had to clean up because he was so immature. 

He frowned resting his jaw on his hand that rested on his leg, he just looked like a little kid that was told Santa wasn't real, which was a lie, he was real.

I sighed looking at my hands, I wondered what Alex was doing. Was he on another mission? Was he safe? I hadn't seen his face in so long that it was starting to hurt.

Stupid Daniel, Idiotic Daniel why did he ask me all those questions like he cared. Hell why did I even tell him, I should have told him to shove those questions up his arse like I tell everyone else, but I told him.

"How many missions have you done?" he suddenly asked as I paused playing with my fingers, what?

"A lot,"

"Yea but how many,"

I looked at him, "A lot,"

"Okay I get it, arsehole Isandra is back," he said putting his hands up in defense. I rolled my eyes trying not to smile again, this guy made a big deal even if I sneezed, "I am always an arsehole, don't forget that,"

He smiled shaking his head laughing and moved so he was sitting next to me, leaning against the counter behind us and spread out his legs like I did, his being longer and reached the other side, I envied the tall.

His shoulder nudged my shoulder and I moved away, human contact, no.

"I'll confess, I have a weakness for arseholes," he grimaced, "Okay that did not come out the way I meant,"

I frowned and then realised what he said and laughed, it was so wrong but so right. He was watching me with a strange expression and I stopped laughing, right don't do that in front of this guy. He didn't have to open his mouth for me to know what he was thinking, he just had to look and I did.

God talk about something else.

"So I could eat a horse and a horse's mother right now," it was like he read my mind.

But I agreed, I was starving.

"Do you have a tattoo?"

"What?" I turned my head to look at him.

"Do you?" 

"Well do you?" I asked, what type of question was that, this guy did 180's faster than a math's student measuring semi-circles.

"Yes, want to see,"

"No," I said looking back at the oven.

"Is that a no, I don't have one or no I don't want to see, it's a sexy tattoo, are you sure?"

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