Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Not edited, sorry, but at least I got this up!

It was like the whole party just froze, well I would assume, sure there wasn't much light on before but the blinding and stupid neon lights made your eyes hurt but gave you a view of everything. 

Adrenaline rushed through my blood, I hadn't even realised that my gun was drawn ready in my  hands, well it beter now be a false alarm and the lights came back, because I was sure the police would be called if someone saw me with the gun in my hands. 

I didn't need X-ray vision to know where he was standing before I was already there. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket when I realised, my phone had a torch. Should I risk getting it out and turning the torch on, also risking the potential person where I was along with Jax.

I felt a touch on my arm, "Get him out of here," was all I needed to hear before I grabbed Jax's arm.

He screamed trying to pull away and I rolled my eyes, "It's me," and it took him another few seconds to stop flailing like a girl.

"You scared me!" His voice was still relatively high, and a bit stutterer thanks to the amount of alcohol he had consumed. I sighed ignoring him and pulling him out through the back door, the point where we all had decided to meet up. 

I let go of him as I stepped outside, my eyes searching the surroundings, there were just more party students confused, which was perfect, there were heaps of them to hide us. 

But there were so many, that who ever was after the prince and his cousin, could in fact be right next to us. I scrutinized as many faces as I can, as quick as I can. Were they old? Did they stand out? Look at their shoes.

So far no one was wearing any weird business shoes.

Jax moved bside me and I looked to see him try and walk off, "Hey," I grabbed his arm pulling him back and he tried shrugging me off.

"What?" his eyes narrowed at me and they weren't even intimidating, not in the slightest bit. A drunk teenagers glaring brought me more disgust and when he opened his mouth, he just had to make it worse, "You did this didn't you? You were jealous, ha, I knew it,"

As much as I would have loved to let go of his arm and shove the gun to his head and tell him to repeat it, I was sure Alex would walk out at that exact moment and get me in trouble, so I calmed the fire brewing inside of me.

"Don't flatter yourself," I said as even headed as I could tighening my grip on his arm till he winced, good, it should have hurt. 

My phone vibrated again and I tucked my gun away into the front of my jeans and reached behind taking my phone out, but the text wasn't from Alex, or even Eden. It was a completely new number I hadn't recognised.

Jax leaned over trying to look at it but I quickly shoved it back  into my pocket my heart beating. Before he could ask me what it was Eden walked out with Nik behind him and Alex behind Nik. Nik looked worried till he spotted us and rushed over.

"What's happening?" his brown eyes showed concern for his cousin then tranfixed to disgust when Jax decided to turn around and throw up, and I let him go taking more than a few steps back.

"You can have him," I told Alex, "I'll take Nik now,"

"Let's get to the car," Eden spoke up and I nodded placing a hand on Nik's shoulder pushing him gently in the way I wanted him to go.

"Come on," I said.

Nik kept throwing glances behind his shoulder and I sighed, "Look, there's three of us alright,"

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