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Heather's POV

A week has passed and I was to start work Friday night. I wasn't too happy about it. Don't get me wrong; I enjoyed having to only work three nights a week and do nothing but serve drinks and food to people at a club. The pay for that was pretty darn good! But, I don't want to go back there if the boyfriend won't be there. I hadn't seen him since the other night and it was killing me softly.

Nathan's POV

Julia was out for the night. She had some business to take care of. Because of her powers, she's constantly called in by the vampire council to read fellow vampires minds to see if they've violated the code of conduct for all vampires. Being a vampire requires a lot of rules and regulations in order to go unnoticed by society while living amongst them and feeding off of them. If a person were to go against those rules, they'd suffer dire consequences.

Julia is the only mind reader in our area so she's always working. Very few vampires have such advanced abilities like Julia, so the ones that do have to be of service to the council. Each council has an area.They're basically the northern, southern, western, and eastern parts of a country. How big the area is determines the size of the council.

I watched TV hoping Julia would be back soon to keep my mind off of Heather. I was really craving for some fresh blood from the vein. I tried to hold myself down, but I didn't succeed. Before I knew it, I was at the club in a flash.

Heather's POV

I nearly dropped my platter of drinks when I saw him. The boyfriend was here and I was ecstatic. I'd been longing to see him and he finally came around. After dropping drinks off to a table I made my way to his. He looked up at me as I approached him.

"Hi!" I said with a grin that stretched from ear to ear.

"I didn't want to come-"

"But you couldn't get me out of your head" I said cutting him off.

He sighed and replied with a yeah. "I haven't been able to either" I said.

"Would it be possible for us to meet up after you're done working?" he asked.

"Yuhuh! Very!" I replied with the corners of my lips now overlapping my ears.

The hours I spent working felt like forever. I was dying to talk to him, be next to him, and basically anything containing him. At last, I was done for the night. The boyfriend escorted me out.

"You live around here?" He asked.

"Yeah. Just around the corner actually."

"So you won't mind me walking you home would you?"

"No, not really. I never caught your name ya know" and so we began walking.

"Oh, pardon me. I'm Nathaniel, but you can call me Nathan or Nath."

"Nice name! It's way better than what I was calling you."

"And what was that?"

"The handsome boyfriend" I said while blushing and laughing. He looked at me and then laughed. "Handsome boyfriend. I like the sound of that" he replied.

"Yeah I bet your female dog does too."

"Excuse me?"

"Oh, erm, my apologies. It's just that she was kind of a jerk the other night."

"Yeaaah, I meant to apologize about that. Sorry, she can get a bit jealous at times. Her name's Julia."

"Good, now I don't have to call her a bitch anymore!"

He chuckled "I love your sense of humor."

"I don't consider it humor. It's just me being an idiot and making a fool of myself."

"That's the best type of humor."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. So um, how long have you and Julia been dating?"

"About two centuries." I laughed; he didn't.

"That long huh? Getting tired of her?"

"Not at all. It feels like we've only been together for a year."

I squinted my brows trying to understand what he was saying. "And the point of the joke was?"

"It wasn't a joke." I was puzzled. How could it not be a joke? We reached my flat and we told each other goodnight, although it was already morning; it was still dark. I watched him as he turned around and walked away.

"Wait!" I called out. He turned back around and looked at me. "Will I see you tomorrow night, well later on today?"

"Yeah, sure. I've got nothing else to do anyway."

Nathan's POV

I got back to my place. Julia was sitting on the couch angry and waiting for me. "Hey" I said walking up to her. I leaned over to give her kiss on her cheek, but she pushed me back. "What's wrong?" I asked scared of the response.

"You went to go see her!" Julia exclaimed.

"Woah there. No need to get worked up. Yes, I did go to the club. I only went to get a... bite."

"Yeah, but then you saw her."

"I ignored her."

"I saw you walk her home! Stay away from her! Nothing good will come out of this."

I placed my thumb and index finger onto my forehead making them massage my temples. What am I doing? I need to stay away from her. The thing is, I can't. I just can't. She's all I think about.

"I tried to stay away. I really did. She approached me and I just couldn't resist. It's not like I'm in love with her or anything. I barely know her. I'm just unable to stay away from her. She'a like a magnet."

"If you don't control yourself you'll fall for her. It's your fate."

"This is so unfair! None of this makes sense!"

"What does makes sense is that if you end up falling for her and you guys end up hooking up, you'll be reported to the council. It's illegal for a vampire to date a human."

"Her and I will never hookup. It's you and I forever."

"You should've never gone back. Your soul is now sure she's the one for you, so there's no running away."

"And why not?"

"Like I said, you're a vampire. A vampire's emotions are heightened. You're stuck in fates grasp and you won't ever be able to get out of it until she dies. If you somehow rediscover her in another body, it'll just be the same thing over again."

"This is ridiculous. Do you actually think I'd leave you for some mortal?"

"I've seen it happen. Nath, it's inevitable. I for one cannot be caught up in your mess."


"I'm leaving you. If I stay you'll violate the rules and I'll end up being punished along with you."


"Yes, punished because I'd be aware of it all and never report it to the council. I'd b-"

"Just stop"I said cutting her off. "I won't be violating any rules, especially for her. So, please don't leave. I promise I'll stay strong."

"I love you so much, but I have to leave. I'm not going to watch you suffer and I sure won't suffer with you."

"You're seriously going to throw away two centuries of us being together for something that won't happen?"

"It's not me throwing away two centuries; it's you. You and Heather will get together and then all hell will break loose. Bye Nath."

Julia walked out. I stood there shocked. I didn't move; I didn't breathe. I just watched my world fall apart as my heart crumbled into a million pieces.

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