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Nathan's POV

"You're up!" said Julia walking back into the house with a gallon of blood. "I went out and got us some blood."

I sniffed it as she walked into the kitchen. "It's animal blood?" I asked, disgusted. "Yeah. I'm done with human blood. If I want to be me again, this'll be the start to the journey."

She walked back into the living room and sat down beside me. She handed me a cup of the animal blood, causing me to cringe. "It's not bad. Just give it a little try. You're going to need the energy."

I stared into the cup and took a nervous gulp. "Oh don't be so dramatic." I held my breath and chugged it down. Surprisingly, it tasted way better than it smelled. "It's actually pretty good" I said.

"It is blood" she replied. "Want more?"

"Yeah, I could use another cup. Thank you."

"No problem" she said getting up to fetch the gallon.



"This doesn't mean we're cool with each other. Just because you have a change of heart, it doesn't change things between us."

I heard a sigh. After a moment she came back into the room and poured the blood into my cup. She placed the gallon onto the coffee table and sat back down beside me. "I know it won't change anything. That's what I deserve. Why should you have to forgive me or show any sympathy? Why even care? I'm nothing but scum."

"You've got that right" I said with a slight chuckle. She frowned and lowered her head. "I-I don't deserve to live. Where did I get off thinking I could change all the negativity in my life? I'm the one who cr-" she choked on her words.

I placed my cup on the coffee table and then lifted her chin up gently with my now curved index finger. Light tears were streaming down her red cheeks. "I didn't mean what I said. You're not scum. You're just someone who lost their right sense of direction."

She turned, pulling away from my touch. Feeling bad for what I did, I held her by the hand and pleaded for her to look at me. She did; and I could see the pain and embarrassment in her eyes.

"Do you know how long it's been since a single tear has shed from my eyes? A long time. This isn't me. I'm not a weakling who cries because I'm not happy with who I am. That's for sad and pathetic people."

"No one is pathetic. Only the things they do are; and crying isn't it."

"What you do is what you ar-"

"Let me finish." I cut her off. "Crying is a way to release all your worries, stress, and emotions. People able to cry in front of another person shows strength, strength to show someone how you really feel. It's both courageous and highly respected. And as for what you just said, If I go around speaking Chinese, does that make me Chinese?"

She hesitated. "No."

"Then my points are proven." I held the sides of her cheeks and gave a little smile. "You're just another wonderful person who lost her way."

"If I was so wonderful, you wouldn't resent me as much as you do. You'd still care and... and love me."

"The truth is... I do." Out of all honesty, I did. But, it's a different kind of love. Now that my heart belongs to Heather, all the feelings I had for Julia has changed. I've been with her for a long time, so it isn't exactly possible to stop loving her. I no longer love her in a romantic way, but more like a very close friend.

I saw a light shade of hope grow in her eyes. "Thank you" she said, giving me a hug. I held her tightly as she laid her head on my chest, while my chin was on top of her head. We just sat there understanding one another for once, after a very long time.

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