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Heather's POV

I approached the club and and went to the back door. I knocked. Minutes later Jenna opened it up. "Oh my gosh! You're okay" she said.

She invited Siva and me in. "What happened to you? You didn't call in sick or anything" she said.

"I'm really sorry about tha-"

"And why are you with him?" she asked cutting me off and pointing a finger at Siva. "You do know he's one of Nathan's friends, right?"

"Yeah, and he's also my friend."

"Oh. Carry on with what you were saying."

"I'm sorry for my absence and for not calling. There was a...uh... recent death in my family and the funeral was out of town. I lost my phone and I don't know this place's number by heart so I couldn't call. Anyway, I came to tell you that I quit."

"You what? You've only worked here for two weekends. How can you quit all of a sudden?"

"I'm moving."

"Oh come on. You just moved around here. Stay. You're really good at this job."

"Thanks, but I can't unfortunately. A lot is going on in my life right now, so I've got no choice but to live elsewhere."

"Well this sucks. I'll go write up your check."

"No need to. I'll be fine."

"Are you crazy? Why won't y-... Ohhh. It's 'cause of Nathan isn't it? But, didn't you guys just hook up last week?"

"I can't exactly get into details right now. I only came to resign. Once again, I'm sorry for everything. I've got to go now. Bye. Thanks for everything" I said and then walked out.

I opened the door to leave and suddenly felt queasy. Out of nowhere, I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I yelped while stepping out. "What's wrong?" Siva asked while closing the door.

"You know that feeling you get when something bad happens to a person you know although you aren't near them?" I replied.


"I just got that feeling along with a pain in my neck following shortly after it."

"N-Nathan. Someone's snapped his neck" he replied stunned.

"Oh my god. What are we gonna do?" I asked as my heart raced due to nervousness.

"The only thing we can do. We've got to get the rest of the lads and meet with council. We'll fight and retrieve Nath."

"The boys haven't even found Max yet. Do you think the council has him too?"

"Probably. I'll call Jay and Tom and ask them to meet us up at my place. There, we can grab weapons."

"Alright. Lets hurry."

"Another thing."


"You're gonna have to grab a quick bite."


"We don't have time to go to a hospital -which is far from here- to get blood bags. I don't drink from them. I like my blood warm and fresh."

"Please don't describe your preferences. It's making me hungrier than I already am."

"Sorry. As I was saying, you're going to have to drink from a human."

"I can't. If I do, I'll kill them and get closer to becoming the vampire slayer."

"I'll stop you."

"How will I learn to control myself if you do?"

"You're unconscious when drinking from a human anyway, so it wouldn't matter."

"I don't think it'll be safe for you if I'm unconscious. When I transform, my eyes become a light silver which indicates the vampire slayer within me is unleashed."

"It won't last long. I'll quickly pull you away and then run away from you. When you return back to normal, we'll go to my place and continue on with the plan."

I sighed. "I'm not sure if it's going to work. I really don't want to take any chances."

"Would you like to save Nathan?"


"So then we'll have to take chances."

"Ugh. Alright. So who's the unlucky person?"

Siva browsed around and stopped when his eyes fell onto the back door. He turned his head towards me with a smirk. I knew what he meant by it. He wanted us to drink from Jenna and I was not about to let that happen.

"Noway. I'm not going to do that to Jenna."

"We don't really have a choice do we? There's no one else in the club except her. So, it's the best shot we have right now. Maybe your sympathy towards her will help you change back to normal before you could suck her dry."

"I doubt it. I'm sorry but I can't do this."

"Think about Max, Nathan, and the safety of your parents."

"God, why me? Fine, lets get on with it. You better stop me and not get hurt in the process."

He chuckled. "No need to worry about that. I'll have it all under control. Lets go inside now. Don't forget to compel her. Since you're so powerful, it probably won't be a challenge."


We walked up to the door. I knocked. Jenna reopened the door with a confused look on her face. "What are you doing back?" she asked.

Within half a second I had her pinned up against a wall. I saw fear grow in her eyes while my hand was wrapped around her neck. I shot out my canine teeth and my faced transformed. You'd think I'd feel some type of remorse seeing her face like that. Surprisingly, I didn't; I was rather excited nonetheless.

Nathan's words sunk into my mind and echoed reminding me to bite into her wrist. "Don't scream" I said compelling her. I lifted her arm.

I gained consciousness and found myself lying on the floor. Siva had Jenna wrapped up in his arms far away from me. "Are you guys okay?" I asked. "Yeah" Siva replied. "I'm gonna drink from her now" he added.

I watched as he sunk his teeth into the artery of her neck. I licked my lips. I was practically drooling over the sight. I wanted to drink from a human's neck badly. The blood is extra warm there, and I assume easier to drink.

I lifted myself up from the floor and watched as Siva compelled Jenna. "Forget what happened. Go bandage your wounds up" he said. She blinked, so we immediately left.

We dashed off to Siva's house which was fairly close to my place. We browsed around the house for anything suspicious. Thankfully, we didn't find anything of the sort.

Siva pulled out his phone and called Tom. "Did you guys find Max?" He said into the phone. He turned to me and shook his head signaling that they did not. Fantastic!

"You both need to come by my place. Nath's neck has been snapped and he's been taken by the council. It's a war they want, so we're going to give it to them."

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