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Julia's POV

I watched as a couple of vampires dragged Nath and Heather's dead bodies into the cell Nath was previously in. "They've escaped" a girl said walking up to Barron and me.

"Have they taken Maximilian?" Barron asked.


"Well, that's that. Now it's time to take care of Nathaniel and Heather. I'm not sure how many humans she's drunk from, so bring six. Get the rest of these bloodsuckers to aid you."

Why is he getting humans? He certainly can't try turning Heather into the vampire slayer. Is he?

"Ok." And with that, she ran off with a few of the vampires.

"Everyone else, follow me to the councils' room."

We obeyed Barron's orders. He sat himself down in his chair. We all waited patiently for what he had to say.

"Being that Heather is a vampire, we can't compel her. I'd dangle Nathaniel's life in front of her so that she may serve the council, but I don't wish to kill Nathaniel, I want him to suffer."

"You wouldn't have to kill him. She'd carry out whatever tasks to keep him alive" said Ezra, one of the males apart of the council. I couldn't stand him. He showed no mercy for anyone. He's cruel and heartless. That's something Barron is turning into.

Our council has four members. We use to have five, but the fifth was a girl who took away her own life because Ezra killed her lover who was also his brother. It's a long story.

The rest of the council members are Adalina -she's from Spain-, Chadwick, and Delwyn.

"From what I've seen today, I'm pretty sure she'd let Nathaniel die" Barron replied. "Because of this backfire, I've devised a plan. The wonderful which you see over there, Carol, will be sucking out all of Heather's powers and placing it into the council members -including mysel) after Heather becomes the vampire slayer of course."

"Are you sure she can?" Adalina asked.

"Indeed! She's one of the most powerful and well skilled witches of Britain. Not to mention she practices black magic which is all the better!"

"What about Heather? Do you honestly think she'll go through with this?"

"With Carol holding her down, yes; I believe so."

"It's impossible" I said unconsciously. Everyone turned their heads toward me. "Come again" said Barron.


"Well of course it's something! You wouldn't have said anything if it weren't. Why is that you doubt this plan?"

I sighed heavily. I don't want to tell them. I want the plan to blow up in their faces. A witch could not obtain all that power, especially when he or she practices black magic. They mine as well all die. I'll take off to North America and everything will be great! I wouldn't exactly have to worry about Heather killing me. Maybe I could bring Nath along.

"Let's just go on with this. I don't have all day."

"Right, because you have other plans. Anyway, we've got to wait until Heather awakens."

Jay's POV

The lads and I took off with Max to Siva's secret basement. We sat around trying to conjure up a plan, and that's when I remembered the vision I had while we were fighting to retrieve Max.

"Why are we down here? Barron said he'd let us be if we managed to escape" said Tom.

"For precaution" Siva replied.

"Boys" I said catching their attention. "I had a vision about Heather and Nathan being killed by the witch right before it happened. When they wake up, Barron will turn Heather into the vampire slayer so that the witch can take all of her incredible strength and place into the council members."

"But, wouldn't they all become vampire slayers?" Max asked.

"No. The witch will take away the power's purity. She does black magic. No purity, no vampire slayer."

"How are we gonna stop them?"

"You know any witches who don't do black magic?"

"I do" Siva responded.

"I know" I replied with a smirk.

"Is she what's going to save Heather and Nath from the mess their in?"

"See, that's what I'm not too sure of. My vision only went so far. I envisioned that you knew a witch who could turn Heather back into a mortal. Will she succeed? I have no idea."

"How can she?"

"I don't know that either."

"I'd much rather prefer kicking the council's arses" said Tom. It's no surprise. He is the violent one.

"If you want to stay alive Tom, shut up and stop having violent thoughts. They never do you good, especially that mouth of yours" Max said.

Tom rolled his eyes. "Fine. Let's take the boring route when we don't even know it's outcome.'

"It's not like we know if we'd win against the council and it's little army if we fought against them. I doubt we would" I said.

"I'll call the witch. In the mean time, load up your weapons" Siva ordered. We did so.

A few hours had gone by until the witch arrived. She had slightly light brown skin with nice dark brown brown itty bitty curls. Just by her presence I could tell that she had a pure and strong soul. She looked as if she were in her mid or late thirties. She was much more pleasant looking than that scary old hag of a witch.

We all greeted her and she did the same to us. Her name was Phoebe. I gave her the whole scenario.

"You know what to do?" I asked

"Your vision was correct, I do know what to do and I will do it" she replied.

"And what is that exactly?" asked Tom.

"Well, I'm gonna turn Heather back into a mortal. Isn't that what was envisioned."

"Yeah, just wanted to make sure it was true. How will you? If you can do that, why not turn all vampires into mortals?"

"Because, I can't. Heather's a special vampire."

"Please explain."

"I can get Nathan to suck all the vampire venom out of her."

"So it's that simple?" I asked.

"Sort of. I must stop Heather's blood from flowing using my powers. Once I've done so, I will separate the venom from her blood. The venom will continue to flow through her body unlike her blood. Nathan will suck his teeth into her and only be able to drink up her venom."

"Why will this only work for Heather?"

"When someone becomes a vampire, their blood mixes with the venom. Instead of it being a mixture, it actually just becomes pure venom. It's like a chemical reaction, but it just becomes pure venom. Because Heather was turned by her soul mate, nature made sure that her blood and the venom only mixed, not form a new substance. I'm not sure what Mother Nature had planned, but she obviously knew that making sure the blood and venom didn't become one would allow Heather, or whoever is in her exact position to turn back into a mortal."

"Why is it that only Nathan can drink up her venom?"

"When a vampire expels their venom into their victim, the victims blood goes through a chemical reaction with it which then creates a venom specifically for that person. That's why if you've ever tried drinking another vampires blood, you regurgitate it. You're body won't accept it because it's not the same venom."

"How do you know all of this stuff?" asked Max.

"I come from a long line of very strong and wise witches. We basically know everything there is to know about immortality."

"Alright then. Since we've covered everything we need to know, how about we get this show on the road?" Tom inquired.

To be continued.

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