The Journey Pt.2

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Guess who's back and guess who's taking this story off hold?!?!?! MEEEEEE THATS WHO

The men rode in silence as merlin was always the one to create the relaxed and joking like atmosphere on hunting trips with his talking and joke telling, creating laughs and smiles with every word he spoke but this time, all everyone could think about was their friend, lying on a cot back in Camelot, getting paler and sicker with each passing moment. The thought made everyone mush their horses to move at a slightly faster pace than before.

They rode in silence for several hours, before appearing at a clearing in the edging lines of the forest where a small cave sat, it's opened mouth sitting there, beaconing in all who passed it. The men's hands unconsciously, or rather subconsciously, went for the hilt of their swords. They dismounted with ease and gracefulness that can only be achieved with years of horse riding and practice, grabbing their blades and a small satchel each, before carefully tying their horses reigns to nearby trees and began their journey into the caves, in search of the flower to save Merlins life.

~Inside the cave~
The men looked around the damp room dimly, their eyes slowly adjusting to the surprisingly dark area within the caves walls. Arthur whistled quietly but all the same, drawing the attention of his men. He looked to Gwaine, Percival and Leon, then to Elayan and Mordred before sighing and saying, his deep voice resonating and bouncing off the rock walls surrounding them all.

"You all remember what the flower looks like, yes?" Which earned a nod from all.
"Good. Look around and find it, Merlins life depends on it, as we all know. Now hurry." Another round of nods and the men split up, searching every corner and crack, every nook and cranny for the flower when suddenly, while inspecting an odd crack along a far wall, a crack that looked as though it shouldn't be there, he heard it. The slight and weak sound of a faint 'drip' 'drop' 'drip', he looked along the wall, finding a small opening, which he, on instinct, kicked in. Once kicked in, it revealed a small doorway like whole leading to a hidden cavern. Leon whistled, drawing the attention of Mordred, Gwaine and Elyan before he nodded to the opening and began to crawl through it, the others soon following.

Once inside, Leon almost immediately spotted the flower, rather an entire batch or field of said flowers. He quickly made his way over, making a few close jumps and slips before grabbing a good sized portion of the flowers, stuffing them into his satchel as he went. Leon headed back quickly, barely missing a collapsing stone that wouldn't knocked him upside the head, before nodding to the opening silently again, the others grabbing a small handling of their own flowers before heading back to Arthur and Percival, revealing their finding as they revealed themselves.

Arthur let out a quickly held sigh of relief as he spotted the flowers within three of this Knights satchels before clasping them all on the shoulders firmly and saying, his voice filled with pure bliss and happiness,

"Let's get back to Camelot, get back to Merlin." All the men smiled and nodded in agreement, heading from the cave, completely unaware of what was to come.

Ohhhhh bit of a cliffhanger!!! Anywhovian, I am indeed going to take this story off hold and try to update it more often. So yay, please don't hate me because I put it on hold and please don't hate me for the short chapter. :P MORE TO COME!!

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