The Secrets

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Merlin was sore all over. He couldn't remember anything, wait.. The minute he regained consciousness, he remembered everything. The argument with Mordred and Arthur, The fight with Mitchell, Norman yelling at Mitchell, Arthur pouring that horrid and rancid potion down his throat, then the darkness.

Merlin groaned weakly and opened his eyes, he could tell by the light entering the room, it was either early morning or late afternoon. He sat up, earning an excruciating jolt of pain going from his lower abdomin to his teeth, Merlin groaned again and whispered,

"Ow.. dammit." He turned his head and saw Gwaine and Mordred, standing near the door, with their arms crossed over their chests. Merlin smirked weakly and said groggily and pained,

"Is it too late to continue to sleep? Or at least pretend to sleep?" Gwaine smiled weakly and shook his head, Merlin chuckled and winced, the pressure in his chest crushing his lungs. He winced visibly and his breath caught, he didn't move for a few seconds, then he slowly, slowly allowed himself to breath again.

Gwaine and Mordred noticed Merlin's breathing, the way he winced. He might have been more injured than the knights originally thought. Mordred stepped forward and asked quietly,

"Merlin, what's going on? First, you come to work beaten and bloodied, you refuse to tell anyone what's going on! Second, you come into the throne room late, then your attacked by a sorcerer and you were almost killed! Almost died! We almost lost you! Merlin.. What's going on?" Merlin swallowed harshly and numbly then said,

"I.. I can't-" Gwaine snapped suddenly and yelled,

"Can't or won't?!" Merlin opened his mouth to replay but everyone in the room was caught off balance by a horrifying noise. It sounded like a hundred broom handles snapping in unison, thunder and lighting the fabric of the sky and the sound of a hundred cars smashing into each other, metal against metal, it's was heart wrenching. Merlin and the others shot up from their spots and rushed outside, Merlin wincing every few seconds.

The three men appeared outside and were met with a shocking sight. The other knights, Arthur, Leon and Percival were poised, swords in hand, while Kilgarah, the great dragon was towering over them.

The dragon started to advance towards the knights, but to everyone's shock and horror, Merlin shot forwards and stood between the dragon and the knights, not a trance of fear visible in his posture or expression.

He was facing a murderous and monstrous dragon, and he was completely calm.

Merlin had his back to the knights, he looked at the enormous dragon and said, his voice calm and steady,

"Kilgarah, what are you doing here?" The dragon chuckled, causing the knights blood to freeze in their veins.

"I'm here to make sure your still alive, young lord." Merlin tensed slightly and hissed, shocking everyone because Merlin didn't ever raise his voice. Ever.

"I do not need your help Kilgarah, at least not now. I am fine." Kilgarah threw his monstrous head back and laughed, the sound resonating and vibrating through out the kingdom, as well as the knights armor.

"Oh, young lord.. we both know that isn't true." Merlin grit his teeth and said,

"I don't know what your talking about." The dragon slid forward and leaned down, he was only a few feet away from Merlin,

"Yes you do Merlin. It is not wise to lie to me." Merlin smirked weakly and said,

"Fine Kilgarah. If I need your help or advice, I will call for you.. Now LEAVE!" He practically screamed the last word, making everyone, including the great dragon, jump and shrink away. The dragon nodded, quickly glared at the knights of Camelot, then flew off, everyone's clothes and hair, along with other random things ruffled and wrinkled while some floated away.

Once the dragon was far enough away, Merlin exhaled slowly and winced slightly, grabbing his stomach in obvious pain. Arthur stepped forward slowly and cautiously,

"Merlin.. What. The. Hell. Is. Going. On?!" Merlin smiled weakly and looked at Arthur, a trance like look in his bright and stormy eyes.

"Honestly?" the knights nodded vigorously and Merlin sighed, and said,

"My world is ending and I'm going to die soon. There will be no way to save me. I'm going to die." An almost silent tear danced down his cheek and everyone froze.

Sorry for the slow updates guys, high school school work! I'll try to update more regularly, sorry for the torture of waiting!! Thanks for everything!

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