A Bond

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It was nighttime at the Lockwood manor and a storm was raging outside but there was something else that was happening tonight

Maisie Lockwood was in her bed and she covered herself with a blanket apart from her head so she could see

Maisie was trying to escape something or rather someone

Maisie was shaking in her bed as she looked at a nearby door that leads onto a balcony outside and she saw a hand come down from outside and it moved the door lever down

And the doors opened and something came down from the roof

The creature came into Maisie's room and tapped it's large sickle claw on the ground

It's shadow was cast off onto the room and Maisie tried not to scream and then the creature was revealed

"Hi there kid the name's ripper, now I've noticed that you've been screaming so much throughout this night so mind if I stopped your screaming?" It was ripper the indoraptor

Maisie didn't speak but at the back of her mind she wanted to run but ripper was already moving closer to her and she knew she couldn't escape from him that easily

"Now now, let's see how much I can make you suffer in one night" ripper whispered as he reached out with his left arm and was about to the touch Maisie

"People say 'goodnight' don't they? Well I'm going to make sure you sleep for the rest of your life" ripper hissed

Maisie then started screaming as ripper got closer

And then right as he was about to lunged at her

The door on the other side of the room flung open and Owen came in with a gun

"Maisie stay down!" Owen exclaimed a ripper with the gun and ripper reeled back

Owen kept shooting because maybe it'll be easier to end it this way after all even if he is a hybrid Owen knows that ripper is still just an animal and can still be shot to death

Unfortunately he was wrong about that

Ripper started giggling menacingly

"You are one dumbass guy aren't you?" Ripper asked smugly as he got up and the bullets from Owen's gun fell off of ripper's body

Owen couldn't believe that this thing was bullet proof

"Henry what the hell have you done?" Owen thought asking himself why did Henry create such an animal like ripper

No he wasn't an animal anymore, he was a monster

Owen then tried shooting again but as soon as he pulled the trigger on his gun nothing came out and even if Owen wasn't sure of how to take care of a situation with a creature like ripper he was sure of something

He was out of bullets and had nothing to defend himself with

Owen then backed up and he was backed up into a wall and ripper slowly made his way towards him while grinning

"You humans think you can overpower everything can't you? Well I've got news for you, you can't" ripper growled as he prepared to lunge at Owen

Owen didn't want to die and that's not because he wants to live on but it's because he knows that if he dies here and if ripper finds blue he'll kill her and Owen can't let that happen he has already lost most of his squad and blue was the only one left

And just as Owen was thinking about blue he heard growling from the door where he initially came in

"Stay away from him you bastard!" It was blue

Ripper's Journey II: The Son Of Ripper (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now