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"don't worry Fang, I won't let anything bad happen to you"

Those words kept ringing in Ripper's head as he had realized that the promise he made to Fang when he was born, was broken.

He was pinned to the ground but not by a hybrid, not by somebody who he hated, but his own wife.

Filled with rage, Blue attacked Ripper, she had slammed him to the ground as punishment for not being able to defend their son.

Blue feared this day would come, that they would lose their son, but she only had nightmares about it, and even if they were terrifying they were just bad dreams, however this was anything but a dream.

Their son was just taken by the men of Henry Wu, Ripper's nemesis, they aren't even sure if he's still alive yet because Ripper was too busy fighting the raptors and the allosaurus.

Ripper was on the ground as he could feel the left leg of his wife standing on his neck, he didn't bother to stop her, even he himself thought he was a lousy father for letting them get away with his son, a son who he himself promised to protect.

It's just like Ajax Nicole Luna and Striker all over again, a person who Ripper cares deeply about is taken away from him, it's like his curse to always lose somebody he cares for.

While Ripper was pinned down he didn't look at his wife with anger in his eyes although he could tell that Blue's eyes were filled with the utmost of rage.

His amber colored eyes were filled with sorrow and misery, all he wanted was to live a normal life, sure he would still hunt from time to time but he lived a life with barely any troubles, but it was almost inevitable that Wu would come for him again, it's like he can't avoid it.

Blue growled, for two years she has loved Ripper because of his determination to not let somebody he cares for get taken away but now she felt betrayed.

Their son, their only child, a child whom Blue loves to death has been taken away from her and there's a chance she might not see him again, and she blames it all on Ripper, he was there, he could have saved Fang, but he didn't.

As she stood above Ripper she was tempted to kill him, and most of that comes from him breaking his promise to Fang, Ripper always described himself as a raptor of his word but with their son now gone how true is that statement?

Tears kept coming down from Ripper's eyes, all he wanted was a normal life but with Henry still alive that will never be possible, it won't end until either he or Wu dies and even then what's to say he won't go after Luna Striker Nicole and Ajax if they're still alive?

"Crying? I'm surprised you can still do that, you were there when Fang was taken and yet you did nothing, maybe what Delta said years ago about you really was true, after all you have the DNA of a manipulator, it wouldn't be too absurd now that I think of it" Blue said coldly.

"Blue please, I tried to save him, he's our son I would never let him go you know that" Ripper pleaded.

"YOU TRIED?! you didn't even get him back, explain to me how you 'tried' to save my son, go on I'm listening" Blue dared Ripper to speak.

Delta wasn't sure on how to react to this, sure her nephew was taken but she isn't liking how Blue is reacting to this.

That's her husband, somebody who said he'd rather die than find a replacement for her, Delta has treated Ripper like a brother ever since she finally accepted him into the family, and she wasn't liking how Blue acts like he has been fooling them this entire time.

Because she could tell that Ripper loved Fang, that he would give up his life just to save his, and Delta knows this, considering the fact that Ripper never once let Fang out of the backyard when the troodons were still active already proves that.

Ripper's Journey II: The Son Of Ripper (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now