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It was getting late, the sun was beginning to set and this was a bad thing and was very unsettling, especially for Fang.

He hasn't been out at night before, and he definitely hasn't been this far from the comfort of the backyard, in there he didn't need to worry about anything getting in because if it did, then either his dad would have killed it or Owen would have shot it with his rifle.

But out here, all he had for protection was Krystal, he still wasn't used to fighting yet, mostly because he has only hunted once.

He fears what may be out here at night, his parents always talked about how troodons love coming out at night, however he wasn't sure if they were in this area specifically, although he did know that a lot of carnivores become active at night.

And that was a serious problem for him, with his lack of hunting skills and lack of knowledge on what is out here, he could be walking into a trap if he isn't lucky.

Another thing he has heard his family talk about is poachers, people who kill animals, sure if his dad was here he wouldn't have to worry about anything since his dad is bullet proof, but Fang isn't sure if he is.

The main reason he doesn't know if he's bullet proof or not is because his parents didn't want him to get hurt, Owen actually suggested that they test out whether or not he was bullet proof but Ripper disagreed, he'd rather have his son not be bullet proof than him accidentally dying from a test.

And that's what bothers Fang, he knows how tough his dad's skin is, if it can repel bullets then simple scratches won't be a problem, not even a minor inconvenience, but since he isn't sure if he's bullet proof or not it does raise the question of if it's even possible for him to survive out here without his family.

The only raptor he could rely on was Krystal, and even then he doesn't fully trust her after what she did, because of her, he and his dad were lured into a trap and he was taken away in the process.

Fang is not the type of raptor to hold grudges but he's very cautious towards Krystal after what she did, he's going to have to be a bit more careful around her just in case if she does have intentions on betraying him.

Krystal then looked up to the sky and saw that the sun was setting, nightfall would surely follow afterwards.

"Hey, I think we should rest for now, it's getting late and I'm not really sure if travelling all night long is a good idea" Krystal suggested.

He may not fully trust her, but then again he has heard of predators hunting at night, if they kept walking all night long they might attract a predator, but if they stay in an area which has little to no predators maybe it could benefit them.

Fang then sat down, he wasn't going to go asleep of course but he was just taking a rest like Krystal asked him to.

He was still wondering where he was though, he hasn't strayed this far away from his home, the bad thing was that he didn't know much about the outside world, presumably his parents did but they're not here right now.

Fang then saddened, thinking about his parents, and how worried they must be right now, they must be scared to death because of this, he just hopes he'll get back to them someday.

"Are you alright?" Krystal asked.

"I just, want to see my mom and dad again" Fang said in a sad tone.

"My question is how did those two even fall in love, considering what I've heard, your dad was almost killed by your mom" Krystal replied.

Fang's jaw dropped, was that true? It couldn't have been true, they both love each other, there's no way they could have hurt each other, right?

Ripper's Journey II: The Son Of Ripper (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now