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monsters are made not born

He was just a child when he lost the ones he cared about and it made him change he went from a calm child into a raging beast everybody saw him as a monster nothing more nothing less he was always seen as a heartless ruthless monster who wanted to kill everything he saw

His name was ripper he was a hybrid made from the dna of the indominus rex

One night he had thought his life was ending but he didn't stop until he barely escaped dying

Later on he ran into his nemesis a velociraptor from isla nublar named "blue" who he attacked but she knocked him out

Later on blue shared her past with him and it made him sympathize with her and he came to accept her as his companion

Together they journeyed across california and faced many threats like troodons made by an unknown company named "biosyn" and pteranodons and the man ripper hated more than anybody

Dr. Henry wu the man that tortured him since childhood and the one he planned to kill

Henry had secretly revived blue's siblings delta echo and charlie and tried to make blue leave ripper so he can kill him but blue refused and she pushed henry away and she and ripper fled with blue's siblings

Later on henry revealed to them that he has been working on a new hybrid one who was superior to the indominus rex

The ultimasaurus it has the head and body of a tyrannosaurus rex the armor plating and tail club of an ankylosaurus the arms and legs of a velociraptor and the tail spikes of a stegosaurus

It was way too much for just raptors so ripper decided to lure it in front of a glass wall and when that wall broke the king of isla nublar charged out

It was terry the tyrannosaurus and he fought agianst the ultimasaurus and later on his rival smaug a spinosaurus from isla sorna joined in as well

Henry tried to kill blue by using ripper because henry thought that the gun that used to trigger ripper still worked but his plan ended up failing as ripper no longer responded to the gun

Though unfortunately for ripper henry got away but thankfully terry had laid a beat down on the ultimasaurus and he killed it

After this ripper thought blue was dying and he decided to confess his feelings for her but luckily she wasn't dead and ripper and blue's siblings were relieved

And after that they went back to the forest but henry had other plans and he had secretly made a contingency plan just in case if the ultimasaurus failed that contingency plan was this

A raptor just as large as an indoraptor he was labeled as a "Super Raptor" and his name was "Nemesis" and now one wonders what henry intends to do with nemesis and what his plans are for ripper but the question is

Where is ripper now?

Ripper's Journey II: The Son Of Ripper (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now