Parenthood Part 1

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Biosyn Lab

Henry was in his office and he was not in a good mood because of what he has heard about the incident concerning ripper's sister

He sat near his desk and on the other side was Frances who just came back from her attempt at trying to capture I-11, otherwise known as Luna

Frances was kept her composure but she was frustrated that she wasn't able to catch ripper's sister, maybe if she had been more careful maybe then she would have been caught but there was nothing she could do now at this moment

"Can you explain to me, how could one hybrid took out you and your entire squad of mind you, five deinonychus, some of the most ferocious dromeosaurids and yet, I-11 still got away, mind explaining that to me?" Henry asked in an angry tone

Frances gulped, she wasn't sure how she would explain the situation, because she was sure that her pack could have taken down I-11 easily, in her head it was just going to be as easy as catching a fish in a aquarium, but for some reason she still failed

"It may be due to the fact that my squad has never encountered something like this before-" Frances was cut off as Henry slammed his left hand on the desk

"If that is your answer then why did you bother sending them out there to track her down in the first place, especially since you didn't call for any reinforcements?" Henry questioned again

Frances still couldn't come up with a good answer because like she said, her squad has never countered something like this hybrid before

However that does bring into question how effective her squad really is, maybe Daniel was right in saying that this would end in disaster

"I- um well............I thought that maybe they were sufficient enough, that they were enough to beat her and I didn't need to call in anyone else" Frances answered

Henry just stared at her in disappointment, to him, that was barely an answer, it felt more like an excuse than a genuine explanation

"You know full well that indoraptors can survive things that your squad can't, look at I-9, he survived from getting stabbed by a ceratopsian skull, and you expect me to believe that you didn't have that in mind?" Henry hissed and he didn't even use ripper's real name

He was right though, considering ripper survived being stabbed by a ceratopsian skull, she should have expected that his sister could take as much punishment as he could, but unfortunately for Frances it seems that wasn't on her mind when facing against Luna

"Maybe we could go after her again, and bring more people to hunt her down that way we can-" Frances was interrupted as Henry spoke again

"Do not change the subject! I am asking you one thing and you decide to change it to something else thinking I wouldn't notice but, I am sorry to inform you doctor white I am not the type of person you should be trying that on during an argument" Henry quickly responded

She really was worried now, she was hoping that they could talked about something else, maybe she could have made him forget about the main thing they were talking about but Henry, like he said, isn't the type of person that would fall for that

Frances finally gave up and admitted to her failure

"I truly do apologize, it was wrong of me to be over confident like that, I promise it won't happen again" Frances said calmly

Henry sighed and held his head with his right hand, he was getting nowhere at this point, he still hasn't figured out where Ripper is, he hasn't captured Luna to lure Ripper, and worst of all, nemesis the thing that Henry made in case if the ultimasaurus were to die is arrogant, and ignorant

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