The Ravagers

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Owen Blue And Ripper were rushing through the forest following the trail that was presumably left by the armored transporter, and hopefully it'll lead towards Fang.

As they went through the forest Blue had something on her mind, should she replace Ripper with somebody else? Delta already told her two years ago that Ripper would die rather than replace her so should she replace him?

She also remembered what her sister said, that Fang would resent Blue if she did this, she doesn't want that, she loves her son and doesn't want him to hate her especially since she always wanted to be a mother she does not want her own child to hate her.

Blue remembered everything she said to Ripper, specifically how she said the only good thing about him was that he was good at losing people, Blue thought about what she said as she was beginning to regret saying that, because even though he has lost people in his life, he always tries his best not to lose other people who he cares about.

He clearly shows genuine love towards Fang as a son and would do pretty much anything for him, Blue was starting to think that maybe she shouldn't have hurt Ripper, all he wanted was their son to be safe, to not go through what Ripper did, he only wanted Fang to grow up happy without getting tortured by Henry, so does Ripper really need to be replaced?

He has always been a good father, he never once scolded Fang or got mad because of something he did, in fact when he does act like that it's only for a joke and Blue has never heard of a parent like that.

Some dino parents, especially carnivores are a bit strict towards their children since they want to raise them to be hunters and nothing else but that's not always the case.

Terry himself didn't raise Junior to be a hunter, sure he did want Junior to find a way to defend himself but it was mostly Junior's uncle who had to train him how to be a hunter, all Terry did was bond with his son, he never once saw him as just a hunter or somebody to take his place as Nublar's apex predator, he always saw him as just his son, a son he needs to take care of.

And that's exactly who Ripper is, despite the fact that he does give Fang hunting tips, it's only because he wants Fang to learn how to defend against opponents, what Ripper really wants is for Fang to have a normal life, at least, a childhood better than the one his father experienced, all he wants is Fang to be happy, considering how hurt he was during his youth it's understandable why he wants a better future for his own child.

And besides, who could replace him? There are no other raptors on mainland apart from maybe the feathered ones Ripper mentioned, and even if she did replace him it's very likely Fang will never accept the raptor that Blue had chosen to replace Ripper with.

Ripper will always be Fang's dad no matter how old or how mature he might get in the future, there will be nobody replacing his dad, a father who was the first one to hold him when he was born, in fact Fang wouldn't have been born had Ripper and Blue never fell in love with each other.

Although there was another thing on her mind, the possibility that Ripper has been playing her this entire time, that he doesn't actually love her but is only using her for his needs, if this is true it's possible that the only reason he wanted Fang to be born is that so he can train him to be a killing machine like he was back when he was still a savage beast?

It's not out of the realm of possibility, but if he only wanted Fang to be born to one day turn him into a weapon, then why doesn't he treat him as such? It wasn't even him who was training him to hunt, it was Delta, a lot of Ripper's time with Fang was devoted to just him bonding with Fang, he never once trained him, yes he gave him tips but he never truly went out on a hunt with Fang until a few days ago.

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