A Christmas Ornament

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Hello beautiful people, it's been quite a while. I looked at the comments on the last post and this seemed to be the most requested character to make an appearance! I'll try to keep the updates coming, thank you for reading:)

You sigh and reach your hand into the bag, pulling out a Christmas ornament of a reindeer. You look down at the object and think, with Tony's constant nicknames, this one's pretty obvious. "Reindeer games! You're up!" Tony yells and snatches the ornament away from you, holding it up so Loki can see. You look on the other side of the room to see Loki rolling his eyes. "I am not partaking in this foolish game." He says in his average nonchalant voice. You look at the floor, embarrassed at Loki's refusal to play with you, it sucks more than you'd have imagined to have the guy you like shoot you down before the game even started. Though before you can dwell on it, Tony's hand grabs yours and shoves you into the closet, doing the same with Loki just seconds later. He sends a look of shock and disgust at Tony before Tony slams the door in his face.

After you break out of your own shock and look at Loki, you notice the look on his face is almost hilarious, and you can't help but chuckle a bit at his frustration. "What are you laughing at?" he says, making a quick but sloppy turn to face you. You can see his fists bunching and strained, the veins in his arms becoming prominent, and see the heat rising at his cheeks. Ideas of what he could do to you if you were on his bad side flash through your mind and you decide that being on his shit list isn't one of your top priorities, so instead of teasing him like you would with any of the others, you quickly spit out a quiet "Nothing." He doesn't say anything, instead raising an eyebrow at your tone. You normally don't act so submissive to say what somebody wants to hear instead of messing with them for your own amusement.

"No. Tell me." He spits out, urging you on. But you still remain nonchalant and play it off as if it was in fact nothing. Suddenly, he shoves your shoulder with one of his hands, sending you lightly into the wall. Fuck, that hurt the back a bit more than you'd like to admit. You scrunch your eyebrows together and send him a grimacing look without thinking, but after remembering your previous thoughts of being on his bad side, your face softens and you look away. You really want him to like you. Some time ago, you had the inkling feeling that he did, but with all the missions you've been on, you haven't seen him much so you're not really sure where the two of you stand. The last thing you would want is to challenge him on this. His eyebrow raises at this and now you're the one receiving a look of disgust instead of Tony. "All right, what's wrong with you?" He asks, lowering his face to your level. "What?" You say back casually. He almost rolls his eyes at this. "What's with the charade you're putting on? Usually you would tell me I look ridiculous or that I've done something more stupid than Thor. Why are you being shy?"

"I'm not being shy." You finally look back at him with furrowed eyebrows. "Yeah and I have naturally blonde hair." He retorts. For a second you actually wondered if his hair was dyed black, but realized that that was his way of shooting down your claim. 'Whatever."

"I know why you're being all shy. You like me." he said with a smirk as wide as possible. It was like he was looking straight at the tesseract. For a second you thought your mind was playing tricks on you. How the hell did he know? For how long has he known? Why now of all times to tell me? Halfway through Tony's stupid idea of team bonding. "Who told you?" You say in a shocked voice, finally giving him the challenge he wanted.

"Oh, no one I was just guessing..." He says, his smirk somehow growing wider, "looks like I guessed right though." Shit, how could I let my guard down so easily. Of course this cunning fox would pull something like that. When he sees your dejected look, he instantly switches up his tone to a more comforting one. "Lucky for you though, your feelings are reciprocated." He says, grabbing a fake flower from the pocket of one of Tony's jackets that were hanging beside us, snapping his fingers, and magically turning them into a full bouquet of roses, offering them to you. After calming a bit, you smile and laugh a bit at this, taking the roses from his hands as a way of simply accepting his gesture.

"So.." you start quietly. "What does this mean for us now?" You say, looking happily into his green eyes.

"Well, I could sweep you off your feet and turn you into my Asgardian queen, or we could just start with a kiss." He says with a small smile, looking just as passionate as ever back into your eyes. You don't know what to say, so you instead lean forward, more and more until your lips touch his own. They are a bit thin and chapped, but his body pressing against your own, and the movement of his hands on the small of your back make it one of the best kisses you've ever had. When you pulled away you noticed the door to the closet had been opened and everyone was watching you with wide eyes. Especially Thor who looked disgusted more than anything. Loki just lets out an embarrassed chuckle and hurries to sit in his spot before the next game started, leaving you to go back to yours. The rest of the night though, the looks of adoration and excitement he was sending your way didn't go unnoticed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2021 ⏰

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