A Baby Onesie

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You sigh and reach your hand into the bag, pulling out a... onesie? You look at Tony with confusion evident on your face. Why did Tony own this, was there something he wasn't telling me? "Underoos, you're up!" Peter's head spikes up and his cheeks flush red. You look from Tony to Peter, and back to Tony. "You're kidding? The kid?" Tony shrugs his shoulders as he pulls you and Peter up off the couch and starts dragging you over to the closet. Peter didn't hesitate, one he was freaking out about being shoved in a closet with a girl, and two, he was too scared to retaliate against Tony. You on the other hand put up a fight. A fight you weren't winning. "This is most likely illegal! He's like ten!" You said as he finally shoved you two into the closet, locking the door behind him. "You have seven minutes to do whatever you please!" You could hear him yell through the door. "Starting now!" You look over at Peter, though it was dark and you could only see his silhouette, you could tell he was stiff. You felt bad and decided to strike up a conversation to make things less awkward. But were surprised when he spoke up first. "I'm actually 15.." You couldn't help but chuckle slightly at his awkwardness. But when you saw his features fall you sat on the ground and patted the spot next to you, ushering him to come sit. He hesitated for a moment but sat, being careful not to invade your space to much, though he wasn't really succeeding due to the small space. You sat in silence, but it wasn't an awkward silence, it was comfortable and you we're glad to be able to catch a break after a long day. Not long after, you felt Peter's head rest on your shoulder and stiffened up a bit, but kept it there, not wanting to make it awkward for the young teen. After about 2 minutes, you heard light snoring from the boy and chuckled to yourself. This was probably the weirdest game of seven minutes in heaven you've ever played. Tony whipped the door open soon after. "Oh good, your clothes are still on your bodies." He said with a smile. "Really Tony?" You said in a whisper, due to Peter sleeping on your shoulder. "Give me some help here." Not wanting to wake Peter, you usher Thor in and he picks Peter up, slowly walking out of the closet. You follow closely behind, and sit on the couch where you originally were. Thor sets Peter beside you and Peter rubs his eyes with the back of his hand. "Welcome back Pete, you fell asleep." You say softly. He replies with a quiet "Mhm." and rests back onto your shoulder, falling back into slumber.

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