An Ice Cube

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You sigh and reach your hand into the bag, feeling something cold and wet touch your hand. You grimace and quickly pull out your hand. "Tony! What the hell did you put in there?" You say with a disgusted look on your face. He just shrugs and tells you to pull out whatever you first got or you wouldn't be playing fairly. So you hesitantly reach your hand back into the bag and pull out the aforementioned item. 

The temperature of it bites at your skin and you look down at it, letting out an audible snort, along with a few giggles. "Capsicle!" You say chuckling, glad that you're in on the joke. Looking at him across the room, you can tell that he's tired and not really in the mood to play games after our long mission. Although, you could swear you saw him perk up and the color in his cheeks deepen as he realized you were the one he would be stuck with. This gave you a burst of confidence. You slowly rise off the couch and head to the closet Tony directed you toward. "C'mon Cap." 

You started with a wink and could soon feel his presence walking up behind you. Though you like him, you decided to dial it down a bit once you were both in the closet because you didn't want to seem easy or make things awkward if he didn't feel the same about you. You both quickly ended up in the closet and found that huge broad figure took up most of the closet, causing you both to giggle uncontrollably. 

"Cap's too big for your closet Tony!" You yelled so the other's could hear. "Shut up and start smooching or I'm restarting your timer." He yelled back, to which you both laughed at. However, the comment about "smooching" made the seconds after the laughter died out awkward, you were just staring at each other on either side of the closet.

"Sooo, that was a long mission huh?" You tried to switch gears to break the tension. Steve seemed to come out of some trance as he shook his head and rubbed the back of his neck with a small smile. "Oh. Yeah."

"Well c'mon Steve, you can rant to me about how I didn't do shit, hah sorry about that." You smile at him and shove his shoulder a bit.

"What? It's no problem, I'd much rather have you stay safe." Your face fell at this.

It's not like you needed protection on missions, you were part of the team for a reason, you went with him for a reason.

"Hey! Im perfectly capable of handling myself." You huffed and crossed your arms over your chest.

"Woah, that's not what I meant, I know you are, I- I didn't mean it like that!" His hands flew up in defence and his voice sped up substantially.

"Well then what did you mean?" You looked at him with an eyebrow raised, still glaring at him, waiting for a grand excuse.

"Nevermind, forget it, I'm sorry." He pulled his face away from yours, not wanting to look at you.

"No, no, I'd like to hear it." He looks back at you, looking almost nervous?

"I like you, Y/n. Just- more than I should and I want you to be safe all the time." He wasn't looking at you, instead focused on how the jackets were hanging beside us.

"Look at me." You stated, face now calm, no anger or hurt visible.

"I'm sorry for doubting you, it just worries me, you know? What if something happened to you because I wasn't there in time? Or-"

"Look at me." You stated dryly again.

He froze, but turned his head to face you, you immediately pressed your hands to his chest and connected your lips. He didn't move. He didn't kiss you back. Nothing.

You pulled away slowly, looking up at his shocked face. Fuck. What did I just do? You looked down at the ground and tried not to cry from embarrassment. I Probably fucked everything up, it's going to be so awkward for everyone now. You were pulled from your thoughts by his hand grabbing your cheek and pulling your face up to meet him in the middle, his lips being pressed onto yours. You kissed back immediately, your lips molding together perfectly.

He pushed you up against the wall of the closet and your bodies were pressed together perfectly. His broad figure practically engulfing you, his scent, his passion, his excitement, just everything radiating off of him and on to you right now was too much to handle. You let out pitiful whines during your makeout session that made him chuckle.

He pulled away from you and gave you one last peck.

"We should stop before we get barged in on." His hand was rubbing the back of his neck as he blushed, which made you smile.

"Good idea." You said with a chuckle. You look back up at his happy face and give him another quick peck.

"This isn't over capsicle." You said to him, pulling on the collar of his shirt.

"Thank god." He peppered your face with a few more kisses before Tony barged in. He looked at the both of you for a bit, acting innocent as ever.

"Nothing happened?" The both of you shook your heads and walked out after Tony sent the both of you a groan and explained for the others to continue the game. You both walked back to your respective spots across the room from each other. You didn't care that the others were probably very aware of the looks you were sending each other. You didn't mind one bit. 

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