Pym Particles

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You sigh and reach your hand into the bag, pulling out a glass container with some sort of red liquid. You slosh it around and shake it a bit wondering what the hell it is. Your eyes travel to Tony and he just gives you a shrug and chuckles lightly.

"Woah woah!" Scott almost falls straight off his spot on the couch and scrambles over to you. "Where did you get this?!" He practically screams at you, snatching the item out of your hand as fast as he can reach you. Not knowing what to say, you just point at Tony. he whips around to face him. "These are very important and not to be toyed with! Are you crazy?" He says sternly to Tony, tucking the container in his pocket. I've never seen him like this, normally he's really laid back. I haven't known him for too long, but I really liked that about him, his constant jokes, smiles, laughs and upbeat attitude, I loved all of that, but this was something else. Even though I didn't do anything, I feel guilty. It seems like whatever that stuff is, it's really important to him.

"Woah, woah, chill. I just needed an object for you. I found it with some of your other stuff. I promise I didn't touch anything else!" Tony finally speaks up. Scott rolls his eyes at this, probably upset that Tony went through his stuff without permission. I get it, if I caught Tony touching any of my shit I would be royally pissed.

"I'm not really in the mood to play right now." Scott says with a sigh directed at Tony. You look up and your eyes dart to his. He sends you a sympathetic smile, but that doesn't change the upset feeling in your gut. This was a chance to tell him that you liked him! You send a small smile and a shrug back to him acting like it's no big deal. It was kind of awkward so you decided to speak up. "That's fine Scott, you don't have to play if you don't want-" I feel Tony's hand on my wrist and before I can finish my sentence i'm shoved into a closet.
"Not a chance! Get in there tiny!" Tony yells as he shoves Scott up against me and shuts the door. I stand there frozen, not knowing what to do. It was really awkward, I was just staring up at him. His face quickly turns pink as he realises how close you two are. Even in the dark of the closet, the blush was pretty evident. He steps back a bit, but your still pretty squished together since there isn't much room. He clears his throat and looks back at you.

"So? How have you been? We haven't talked in awhile." He says with a small smile.

"Tired. I've had a lot of missions recently, and it's been boring at the tower without you here." You say, trying not to make things too obvious. He smiles at the last part of the sentence.

"Yeah?" He says with a cocked brow. "How so?" You smile at the fact that he's keeping this conversation running, you would be crumbling under pressure otherwise.

"I don't know, you're just fun to talk to, and I miss seeing you and Cassie." You say with a shrug. His face softens at this and he doesn't reply for a bit. You begin to worry. Did you say something you shouldn't have? Make it awkward? "I'm sorry, did-"

"Y/N" Scott cuts you off.

"Yeah Scott?" You say.

"I like you a lot."

"You do?" You say back in shock. How is this happening? He chuckles at this, though how can he be chuckling? He just blatantly admitted feelings for you? You rack your brain, trying to catch up with his last couple of words. Though, when you can't think of any protests, you set your gaze directly on his face, him giving you a slight smile and nod, simultaneously easing all of the worry you just had. Though when he notices your confusion, he goes on to reassure you.

"You're kind and funny, you make Cassie and I laugh even when I'm stressed because I can't help her with math homework, and she's throwing a fit because i'm doing it the wrong way." He says, laughing a bit. "I developed feelings for you quickly than I think I ever have, and Cassie loves you, so that's reassuring." He moves his hand up to your arm, but when your gaze drops from his face to this slight contact, he pulls away and steps back a bit.

"I'm sorry Y/N, that was very forward. I didn't even give you a chance to process." He begins awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck, but you take his hand back in yours. "It's okay, I'm really happy you feel the same way." You smile up at him, watching that big goofy grin of his appear on his face. He lets out a sigh of relief and pulls you into an embrace. Being so close to him and smelling the fresh scent of his minty cologne is so nice, you never want to let go. He only releases you to connect your lips. At first you don't kiss back, surprise freezing your body in place, but you soon mend your lips to his, fantasizing as if they were made to fit together. You step back and disconnect your lips, to see his swollen and red, arousing you a bit, but you remember the group of giggling avengers on the other side of the door and try to suppress it.

"Scott.." You say breathlessly, watching as his eyes light up, signaling that he's listening. "You- that was amazing." He laughs a bit, causing you to shrink back, thinking that maybe you weren't very good at kissing him, or maybe you were acting awkward the whole time. "You have no idea, I've been wanting to do that for a while." Surprised, you smile wide and lean in for another, harsher kiss, pulling away this time, to a boy with a grin as wide as your own, pushing the door open to the others outside, and taking you to his original spot, setting you on his lap with a plop.

"Um, it hasn't been seven minutes yet.." Tony says, not sure what else to say. "We're all good." Scott says enthusiastically, throwing a wink and a thumbs up his way. The other Avengers all take notice, some looking at each other with knowing faces. "Damn you two sure are quick!" Clint, cutting in, says. You roll your eyes and find a comfortable position on Scott's lap, tracing shapes along his chest as you watch the others talk, drink (with the exception of Peter, who is drinking apple juice), and continue the game. You could get used to this.

Author Note:

Sorry this chapter was kinda crappy. I picked it up like halfway through from a long time ago. I haven't updated in so long! :( Any who, I'll hopefully have a good amount done and published sooner or later. Once I get back into the swing of writing! ;)

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