The Beginning...

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You and Steve had just gotten back from a long mission and you were glad to be back at the Avengers Tower. It was also a Friday night, so that means you're off the hook when it comes to working. But knowing Tony, you expected there to be some stupid thing going on that he threw together for "Friday Team Bonding". So before you could get caught up in the ruckus, you stealthily scurried to your room locking the door. Ready to take a shower, get into some comfy pjs, and sit in bed on your phone, taking a much needed break. As get inside your bathroom, you begin to undress as you hear J.A.R.V.I.S' voice booming through the tower. "All Avengers, report to the top floor living space." You roll your eyes and ignore the request. After a few minutes, when you are about to hop in the shower, you hear Tony's voice blast through your room and bathroom. "Y/N I asked you to come to the living space, this is not an option. Thank you!" You could physically hear the smirk in his voice at the end of the sentence. Letting out an exasperated sigh, you dress up into comfier clothes, and walk out to the living room to see all of the Avengers along with some other guests all sat down either on the floor or couches waiting for Tony to explain why we're all gathered. 

Tony walks to the center of the room, holding a bag and begins talking in a very loud, excited voice. "Today, we are going to play Seven Minutes in Heaven!" His wide, award winning grin appears on his face as he looks at you, rolling your eyes. "Oh brother." You say as you turn to leave. But as you begin walking away, Clint grabs your arm and pulls you down to sit on the couch next to him. "If I'm going down, you're going down with me." He says in a quiet voice. You reply with a low groan. "Alright just get on with it!"

"Alright Y/N, since you are so eager to leave, you can begin. I have put an item that represents each of us into this bag. You choose one and I'll lock you in the closet with them. Easy peasy." Tony says holding the bag out to your reach. You sigh and reach your hand into the bag, pulling out a...

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