A Plastic Spider

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You sigh and reach your hand into the bag, pulling out a plastic spider. Your first instinct is Peter, but you're proven wrong when Tony speaks up. "Black Widow! Get on in there!" You hesitate, but she just struts into the closet, looking very ready to be done with this. Finally, you walk into the closet, Tony following behind you and sending you a smile as he shuts the door. "Natasha." You say, not knowing how to strike up a conversation with her. "Y/N." She says back, in a quiet tone. "I'm guessing you really don't want to be here." You say, chuckling slightly trying to cope with the tension in the air. She looks away. "Or is it that you don't want to be here with me?" You say, trying not to let her uncaring exterior faze you. She looks back at you with a bit of shock and embarrassment evident on her face, though it's a bit hard to read in the dark. Finally, she speaks up, "It's not exactly that. I've just never played this game before, if you ask me it's a bit weird." She spoke with a slightly crooked smile. "I agree!" Nodding all the while. "I mean, why would you shove two people in a closet and expect them to kiss and stuff like that..." You trail off, not knowing where to take the conversation. Truth is, you've liked Natasha for a while, but chickened out of telling her multiple times, because, well, she's Natasha. "That's kind of what I was expecting.." She says, rather confidently, her mood rivaling the quiet, awkward one just seconds before. You raise an eyebrow at her, surprised by the sentence that just come out of her mouth. "With who?" You ask, curiosity getting the best of you. "Well, im not sure, but im not disappointed." Natasha says looking elsewhere. Since when did Natasha gain interest in you? She's damn well at hiding it. "Can I kiss you?" You ask hesitantly. Now it was your turn for your eyes to wander, not wanting to meet hers in case she rejected you, how embarrassing would that be. She nods her head and steps closer to you. How the hell is this going on right now, you looked into her eyes as she looked back at you with piercing yet entrancing green eyes. They flutter shut as her face slowly gravitated towards yours. You feel yourself compelled closer to her as you shut your eyes and gently press your lips against yours. Your hand finding its way to her cheek and grazing her pretty red hair. As you pull apart you stare at each other for a moment while regaining your breath, and without a word she pulls you back into a kiss. You were surprised at first but quickly kissed back, a bit more passionate in comparison to your first gentle kiss. Before you can pull apart, The door flings open and you are forced to face a group of Avengers staring at the both of you. Your cheeks flush red as you see some of them with shocked faces and some with wide grins. You quickly returned to your seat, as did Natasha. The game continued and ended after a while, but what happened between you and Natasha definitely wasn't over.

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