8 - Ballad

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𝟾 - 𝙱𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚍𝚜

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𝟾 - 𝙱𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚍𝚜

"Ballad," Mr Schue said as he walked away from the whiteboard towards the kids in front of him, who all stopped talking at the sound of his voice. "From Middle English, balade. Who knows what this word means?"

"It's a male duck," Brittany says confidently as Macy smiles at her gently.

"Close Britt. That's a mallard," she says as the blonde nods, not noticing the people watching her in shock at her so-called 'stupidity'.

Mr Schuester continues, ignoring the two girls and looking towards the stylish boy sitting in the corner, "Kurt?"

"A ballad is a love song."

"Sometimes, but they don't always express love," Will confirms. "Ballads are stories set to music—which is why they're the perfect storm of self-expression. Stories and music are the way we express feelings that we can't get out any other way." The teacher moves around, explaining to the club enthusiastically. "Okay, now, sectionals are in a few weeks and there's a new rule this year– we have to perform... a ballad."

Rachel leans over to Puck, whispering to him as he looks at her strangely, "Looks like my weekly letter to the Ohio Show Choir Committee finally paid off!"

"Okay. So here's our assignment for the week: I'm going to pair you off, and I want you to pick a ballad to sing to your partner. Look them right in the eye, find the emotion you want to express, and make them feel it," Mr Schue says, causing Macy to look at him with skepticism.

"I pick Quinn," Finn announces, giving the pregnant girl heart eyes.

"No, no, no. Too easy. Your partners will be chosen by fate," the teacher headed to the Piano, picking up a hat as the kids all let out 'oohs'. "Ooh, yeah. I put all your names in this hat. Whoever you choose is your partner."

"I bet the duck's in the hat," Brittany said to the two cheerleaders beside her, them looking at her strangely.

"Don't think so, wouldn't fit."

The blonde nodded at that.

Santana looked towards their teacher as she did a quick head count, "but we have uneven numbers? There are 13 of us."

"Um... I guess I'll just have to put my name in the hat for now," the man announces.

"Who's up first?"

Puck stands up as everyone drums their hands on their knees, looking dejected as he reads aloud his name, "Mercedes."

Artie rolls forward, and reaches his hand up into the hat, "Quinn."

Santana pushes Macy forward with a laugh as she goes to pick out a name, "Matt." The boy high fives her as she sits down back beside Santana.

"Kurt," Finn reads, causing the club to let out giggles while the fashionista smiles. "Mr. Schue, I don't know if I can do this with another guy."

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