chapter15- Monday candy thief

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Ashley is explaining her part of this chapter in this story.

Everyone heard the big news that Trunks and I are enegaged now and that I won the whole tornament. But of course Vegeta still doesn't know about his grandbaby but only had accepted our proposal. Because if he found out he would illegally ground us for sure. Trunks was at my locker for the mean time putting something in it. Then he left on out of the hallway. So as for me I went to go check it out and found a case of chocolates and an envelope. I opened the letter after riping the envelope open it said, "we can make wedding plans later at your house." I looked at Trunks who was over in our third period teacher's doorway, he told me to close the locker shut and come to him. "Don't open the candy yet if you do Uub will see it and take it." I told him okay alright I won't eat it yet. Until lunch." I told him. "Okay, good now sit down with me." He said to me. Of course I had shut the locker and locked it when he told me to then sat with him in class. Trunks handed me a boquet of roses. And I hugged him and kissed him and said, "thank you and I love you so much." Then the tardy bell rung and I happened to know that Gary was late in this class. "Gary why are you tardy?" Asked the fifth Hokage. He happened to be our third period teacher and Naruto liked to cap on him so much too in class. "I had gone to the nurse, because I accidently shot my self in the leg." He said, "with that fire arm?" I asked, "oooo you trying to be gangesta? Now homie." Said Ash and Sauske at the same time. "And what concerns you fool?" Asked Gary. Naruto busted out laughing and said, "you need to go to the hospital just to get the bullet out. And you shot your self by accident man you got to be the stupidest son of a bitch ever to carry a gun in your life." Then he laughed again. After class it was lunch time. I decided to go and get my candy but somehow I found the locker open and the chocolates were gone and second of all so were my cakes! Including my ding dongs and twinkies.

Thirdly, I heard Uub munching on em in the corner. I grabbed him and curaintly made a scene. "Uub, you sneaky sly and hoarding son of a bitch!" I yelled, "You took my chocolates out my ding dongs and my twinkies and my damn zebra cakes! And chocolates and

reeses? That Trunks had given me? You must be out of your damn mind." I continued. "Hey let, me go! Woman are you crazy?" Asked Uub. "No, I don't think I am but you have been crazy enough of stealing a hungry sayain's food." I punched him in the face and walked on off everyone who had stared at the scene was shocked. "Ooo Buu won't mess with her." Said fat Buu. As they walked by him they said, "you desrved it." Said Sakura. "It was for you own good you know." Said Goku. "Buu thought better than you." Said Krillin.

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