pirates of the carribean

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"you're not going to save me turner

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"you're not going to save me turner. i'm not a damsel, i'm a pirate"
name- artemis adelinda payne
name meaning- artemis (greek virgin goddess of the hunt and wild animals), adelinda (noble serpent), and payne (pagan)
age- nineteen
nicknames- witch (most people), art (only to annoy her), and payne
personality- she is very cunning and sly person. she has a quality about her that causes most people to immediately distrust her. she is extremely sassy and sarcastic, and loves teasing people. she also can have a habit of ruffling the features of everyone around her. she often speaks in what seems like riddles, which doesn't help. she is a very mysterious person and she likes to keep it that way. if you get close to her she is very loyal though. she would go to the ends of the earth for the people that she cares about. she rarely ever talks about her backstory or what happened the night she made her escape. she feels a lot of guilt because she was the only one believed to survive from her home. she can be very sweet when she wants to be, but because of how her personality normally is some people have a hard time believing that she is actually being truthful. she is very smart and she loves to learn. she can be deceptive and has a hard time letting people in. she won't accept help from anyone and has a hard time trusting people. she knows she is beautiful and has no problem trying to use her looks to her advantage. she can also be seen as stuck up at times. she tends to talk and act before she thinks, which does get her in trouble a lot if the time. she also startles very easily. she is quick and graceful, which is a good advantage for her in a fight, as well as her being quite flexible.
backstory- she was born on a small island that was believed to be inhabited by witches, and well this had never been confirmed or denied many believe artemis is a witch. when she was twelve her island was attacked by the kings army for practicing witchcraft. she made a deal with a certain pirate, in exchange for an artifact given to her by her mother, she could escape on his ship. she ended up double crossing him and escaping when they were docked. she then moved from place to place, until she reunited with jack sparrow, the two re-met the day he arrived at port royal. however, artemis had already been captured for being a witch. she convinced will to free her as well, claiming that she was wrongfully accused. that was until they met up with gibbs again though. he immediately recognized artemis and told jack not to bring her on the ship because of what she was. this caused will to slightly be afraid of her, which in turn caused her to tease him. she sailed to tortuga but she was captured along with jack while on the island. she wasn't marooned on the island though. captain barbossa thought having a witch might be helpful so she was with will. the two grew close when they were stuck on the ship together, and she fought with will, elizabeth, and jack against the crew. she was captured however along with jack. but will managed to free her and she freed jack. she was able to cast a spell making the people forget about her and will being arrested.
gender- female
sexuality- bisexual

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