a ballad of songbirds and snakes

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"what? don't i look excited to be here?"╚═══°∴,*⋅✲══〖✰〗══✲⋅*,∴°═══╝ personal:name- bellona amara hartname meaning-• bellona (goddess of war)• amara (bitter)• hart (deer) age- seventeen nicknames-• heart (snow)• bell (everyone)• belly (her younger ...

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"what? don't i look excited to be here?"
name- bellona amara hart
name meaning-
• bellona (goddess of war)
• amara (bitter)
• hart (deer)
age- seventeen
• heart (snow)
• bell (everyone)
• belly (her younger brother)
•goddess (the capital)
• the capital's heart (lucky flickerman)
• deer (snow)
positive traits- bellona is extremely loyal and protective. she would go to the ends of the world for someone that she cares about. she is also ambitious and determined, when she wants something, absolutely no one can stand in her way. she is also brave and would never let fear hold her back from doing something.
negative traits- bellona is extremely cold and standoffish to people when she first meets them. she is also a introvert and can be known to have panic attacks in large crowds. she is also sarcastic and can have a hard time holding her tongue when she needs to.
strengths- bellona likes to hike so she has pretty good endurance and her legs also are somewhat strong. she also knows that she is beautiful and has no problem using this quality to her advantage. there is also something about her that makes her seem trustworthy.
weaknesses- bellona has never been trained for the hunger games. most weapons are new to her and she is clumsy with them. she has also never worked on developing her strength, so her upper body is weak. she also has a weak stomach, especially when it comes to blood.
personality type- intp
enneagram- type six
backstory- bellona was born in district eight and she grew up in a very loving family. she grew up being taught how to sew by her mother, while her father was a teacher at the local school. when she was eight, her younger brother was born. she joined her mother in helping with the sewing business when she turned thirteen and also started making her own outfits. when she turned eighteen, she was reaped for the tenth hunger games. when the tributes arrived and snow handed her a white rose, she snapped it in half.  however as the games went on the two got closer. her mentor decided to try and use her looks to get votes and it seemed to work. bellona managed to survive to the end, by hiding. when the snakes came, she was saved by coriolanus slipping a piece of her dress into the container. however, when the snakes swarmed her, she managed to slow her heartbeat down enough that she was believed to be dead. when she was sure no one was watching, she snuck out through the tunnels and made her way to coriolanus's house.
species- human
gender- female
sexuality- heterosexual
birthdate- capricorn
zodiac sign- january sixteenth

species- humangender- female sexuality- heterosexual birthdate- capricorn zodiac sign- january sixteenth╔═══°∴,*⋅✲══〖✰〗══✲⋅*,∴°═══╗

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