harry potter golden trio

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"im not some child who needs protecting"╚═══°∴,*⋅✲══〖✰〗══✲⋅*,∴°═══╝ personal:name- deianira odessa collins name meaning-• deianira (devastating)•odessa (wrathful) • collins (to conquer)age- twelve (when harry's in his first year)nicknames-•diya •c...

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"im not some child who needs protecting"
name- deianira odessa collins
name meaning-
• deianira (devastating)
•odessa (wrathful)
• collins (to conquer)
age- twelve (when harry's in his first year)
•honey (cedric)
•love, babe, and princess (mattheo)
positive traits- deianira is a very bubbly and positive person. she is definitely an extrovert and has no problem with making friends. she is extremely loyal and would go to the ends of the world for someone that she cares about. she is sweet. she is also determined and doesn't give up.
negative traits- after the death of cedric, deianira became very closed off and wouldn't open up to anyone about what she was feeling. she also began practicing dark magic after cedric had died. she can be slightly snappy at times, and doesn't think before she speaks. deianira can also be very defensive
strengths- deianira is a gifted seer which she got from her mother. she is also a talented witch. deianira grew up playing quidditch with her family, and when she joined the quidditch team at hogwarts, she was a good player. deianira is good with animals, and is sometimes seen in the owlery.
weaknesses- deianira is extremely clumsy, and can usually be found with bruises all over her body from running into things. she also has weak knees and they occasionally give out on. after cedric's death, she also began to push away the people who were closest to her and isolated herself
personality type- istp
enneagram-  type five
backstory- deianira was born into a pure blood family, who lived in a normal neighborhood. like her mother, she was born as a seer. they were also extremely close to the diggory family, and deianira was very close to cedric. when she was six, her mother was seen doing magic by accident. the family was run out of their town, and moved in with the diggory's until they found a house. her and cedric grew even more close during this time. when she was eight, they moved into their own house, still close to the diggory's. when she was eleven, she joined hogwarts, and was sorted into hufflepuff. it was during this year, that she began dating cedric. the next year, harry potter joined the school. when she was in her fifth year, the triwizard tournament took place. she didn't like the idea of cedric competing, but supported him. when he died, something inside of her broke. the next year, she had become withdrawn. she joined dumbledore's army, but also began practicing dark magic. she wanted to protect herself. it was discovered that she was practicing dark magic, she was threatened to be expelled from hogwarts. she was given another chance though, and the dumbledore's army became very protective of her. mattheo riddle and deianira had never gotten along well, mainly because they were competing to get better grades in classes. she also hated him because of what his dad did to cedric. it was the kind of relationship where everyone knew they had feelings for each other, but wouldn't admit it. they got detention together after getting into an argument in class. while there, mattheo was protective of her, which led to the development of their relationship. after she graduated, she returned to hogwarts to assist trelawney in divination.
species- a witch and a seer
gender- female
sexuality- heterosexual
birthdate- january twenty-fifth, nineteen seventy eight
zodiac sign- aquarius

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