star wars prequels

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"anakin... please, don't do this. this isn't you"
name- danica gallia
name meaning- danica (morning star) and gallia (God shall redeem)
age- nine (in the phantom menace, the same age as anakin)
nicknames- dani (padmé and anakin), morning star (anakin), and love (anakin)
positive traits- danica is very caring and protective. she would go to the ends of the world for someone that she loves, without any hesitation. while she isn't overly cocky, she does believe in herself and in her abilities. for the most part, she is open to hearing people out.
negative traits- she can be selfless, almost to a fault. she doesn't care what happens to her, as long as the people that she cares about are safe. while she doesn't like to show it, she is a slight scaredy cat, not when it comes to being a jedi, but the darkness especially freaks her out.
strengths- she is a fast learner and can usually memorize things fairly quickly. she is also extremely agile and flexible, which comes in handy when she is fighting. she is force sensitive and trained with a light saber as well
weaknesses- while she is good at fighting, her endurance is lacking. if it comes to a long term fight, she definitely needs backup. she is also not good with a gun, so long distance fighting isn't for her either. she also maybe good at fighting, but she isn't that strong by any means
personality type- isfj
enneagram- type two
backstory- danica gallia was born on the planet of naboo, her mother had been a handmaiden, and that's what she was growing up to be as well. she and padmé were close in age, and the two became friends. she was force sensitive though, and when she was four, she was taken to train with the jedi. when she learned that obi-wan was going to naboo for padmé, she begged the council to let her come along. they eventually decided that it would be good for padmé to have a familiar face in the jedi. it was here that she met anakin. the two also became close friends, and when he started his jedi training, danica was also doing hers, although she was a few years ahead. the two quickly became sparring partners and could often be found with each other. when padmé became threatened, danica was immediately worried for her friend. she stayed back with the jedi though. when anakin returned, she knew she had feelings for him, him being away for too long had left a hole in her heart. she started avoiding him, wanting to push her feelings down. he cornered her one day, and made her tell him what was going on. it was then that she finally confessed. anakin revealed that he felt the same and they began a relationship. they got secretly married, and when anakin turned to the dark side it broke her heart.
species- human
gender- female
sexuality- heterosexual
birthdate- july eight
zodiac sign- cancer

species- human gender- female sexuality- heterosexual birthdate- july eightzodiac sign- cancer ╔═══°∴,*⋅✲══〖✰〗══✲⋅*,∴°═══╗

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