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"i've never gotten a choice in what i want to do with my life" ╚═══°∴,*⋅✲══〖✰〗══✲⋅*,∴°═══╝ personal:name- genevieve regan cadell  name meaning-• genevieve (white wave)• regan (descended from nobility)• cadell (battle)age- twenty-two-twenty fivenic...

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"i've never gotten a choice in what i want to do with my life"
name- genevieve regan cadell 
name meaning-
• genevieve (white wave)
• regan (descended from nobility)
• cadell (battle)
age- twenty-two-twenty five
• genny (only people close to her)
• eve (everyone)
• cadell (everyone)
• the police chiefs daughter
positive traits- genevieve is well known in her town, with who her family is. she is seen as kind of the perfect all-american girl. she is seen as respectful and polite, and most people don't have a single bad thing to say about her. she is seen as reserved and cautious. no one knows that this calm demeanor, secretly hides a rebellious side that she would never show to anyone else. she is extremely caring and loyal to the people that she is close with. she would go to the ends of the world if it would make them happy
negative traits- while genevieve is seen as a perfect girl, this is all an act. she often feels like she has to hide who she truly is and is terrified of letting the people that she cares about down. because of this, almost no one knows who the real her is. she also is impulsive when she is by herself and will act without think. she just wants to let go and doesn't seem to care what the risks could be to her own safety, being slightly reckless she also can be trusting to the point of it actually becoming a fault.
strengths- due to her past life, genevieve had managed to keep some of her powers and abilities. she doesn't get injured very easily, and when she does, she is able to heal faster than any regular person would. she also has heightened senses, especially hearing and smell. she is also fairly agile and quick, despite not really training. she also seems to have slight remnants of her old powers, which mainly seems to manifest itself as her ability to grow flowers. she also can be slightly manipulative, allowing people to see what they want to see when they look at her.
weaknesses- she isn't very physically strong, especially her upper body. she also is pretty closed off and not many people know the real her, leading her to feel isolated and alone. as she has started to remember more of her memories, she has became desperate to search for more answers, and it has become her main focus. she also seems to have a hard time letting go of things and can sometimes hold onto grudges for too long. some people would also describe her as inpatient. if she's with someone that she knows, she can be extremely blunt, to the point of hurting feelings
personality type- istj
enneagram- type three
backstory- genevieve is a reincarnated persephone in today's world. she was born as an only child to her mother and father. her father was a police officer, when her mother was murdered by a crime family when she was a child. she doesn't really remember much about her mother. her father rose to become police chief and vowed to eradicate crime in their town. she finished high school, close to the top of her close. after that, she started at college for law school, hoping to become a prosecuting attorney one day. she has slowly began to remember her past life
species- goddess
gender- female
sexuality- bisexual
birthdate- may fifth
zodiac sign- taurus

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