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"you're not alone. we all love you"
name- naomi hazel coleman
name meaning- naomi (pleasant), hazel (God sees), and coleman (little dove)
age- sixteen (in the first season)
nicknames- mi (only close friends), mi mi (her younger sister), shortie, and little dove (nick nelson)
positive traits- naomi is a very sweet and caring person, she would go the ends of the world for anyone that she cares about. loyalty is one of her biggest traits. she is very energetic and a bubbly person. she loves talking and will start up a conversation with pretty much anyone. she is definitely an extrovert. she also isn't afraid to speak her mind or stand up for the people that she loves.
negative traits- she has a hard time showing people the true her after getting bullied. she also doesn't tell people when she is struggling and prefers to do everything by herself. she doesn't want anyone to see her as weak or incapable. she can be slightly selfish at times, and is trying to work on it, but it is still a struggle. she also can be slightly she also can be vindictive.
strengths- she is a very creative person, and loves art. she can usually find the deeper meanings in an artwork and in a very good photographer. she is good at reading as well, being quick at it and usually able to pick up on the hidden meanings in the works she is reading. she is described as a very bright girl
weaknesses- she isn't a very physical person. she absolutely hates working out with a passion. because of this, she is a physically weak person. she also isn't fast and doesn't have a good endurance. she also is short and often has to have someone grab something for her if it is high up. she also has terrible coordination and is typically tripping or falling over something. usually there are quite a few bruises on her body from this
personality type- infp
enneagram- type two
backstory- naomi had a pretty normal life when she was growing up. when she was a teenager, she realized that she was bisexual. in her first year at higgs girls school, she entered a relationship with another girl there. the two ended up not working out though, and naomi broke up with her. the other girl began angry though and outed her to the rest of the school. during this time, she suffered severe bullying, but was able to find finds in tara and darcy, and was their biggest supporter when they started dating. she quickly became friends with elle when she joined higgs, and through her became close to charlie and his friends. her and nick formed a quick friendship, spending afternoons playing with their dogs together. on the trip to paris, naomi bought a lock to put on the bridge, she was planning on just doing it by herself. nick grabbed it from her though, and wrote his name on it as well. when she asked what he was doing, nick responded by kissing her and the two began dating.
species- human
gender- female
sexuality- bisexual
birthdate- february twenty-third, two thousand and six
zodiac sign- pisces

 species- human gender- female sexuality- bisexual birthdate- february twenty-third, two thousand and six zodiac sign- pisces ╔═══°∴,*⋅✲══〖✰〗══✲⋅*,∴°═══╗

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