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"(Name), are you here ?" Sasuke called out before he opened the door.

To his response, (Name) looked up at him as he stepped in. The only students other than her in the class had left just minutes ago so she was alone. Sasuke walked up to her and joined a desk to hers and sat, pulling a chair. He took some books out and kept them before himself.

"I thought we could do homework together." he said.

(Name) couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at him. 'Why ?' was at the tip of her tongue, but she didn't say it. Sasuke was acting overly friendly considering how the first and last time they had talked was a few days ago. (Name) just shrugged. She had her own essay to write.

Sasuke started doing some Math sums. (Name) stole a few glances towards him. She looked at his book. He had a handwriting surprisingly good for a guy.

"So, (Name), what are you plans after school ?" asked Sasuke, after finishing his work and closing his book. He turned in his chair so that he was completely facing (Name). He sat with his elbow on the table and his chin resting on his palm.

(Name) looked up from her essay. She was only half-way through it. She looked at Sasuke with a little confusion. How had he managed to finish before she did even though he had started after her ?

"Nothing much. I think I'll spend the rest of the day at home." said (Name).

Sasuke nodded his head in understanding. He was not going to ask her to hang out with him. No. That would be rushing everything and rushing would spoil his plan.

"Where do you live ? This isn't your home town, right ?" asked Sasuke, even though he already knew the answers. He had done his research.

"Yes, I rent a small flat in a building nearby." she replied.

"It must be hard to live alone." commented Sasuke. "Did you come all the way here only for school ?"

"You just get used to it. Konoha High is a wonderful school. I couldn't let this opportunity pass by." said (Name) with a small smile.

Sasuke nodded again. (Name) closed her book, completing her essay. She gathered her things, put them in her bag and got up to leave. Sasuke closely followed her out.

Once they were out of the school building, (Name) started walking in the direction of her building. Sasuke was still following her. She thought that his house was also in the same direction.

"Is your house in this direction as well ?" she asked, turning to Sasuke.

"No. It's on the other side, to be honest." he replied.

"What ? Then, why are you going this way ?"

"I just thought I'd walk you home." said Sasuke, and quickly turned away. "God, that's so embarrassing." he muttered, loud enough for (Name) to hear him. Sasuke wanted her to hear him.

She heard him clearly, but ignored that statement. (Name) felt herself blushing, but she was sure it wasn't noticeable at dusk.

"I-I think you should go. It's getting late." said (Name).

"That's exactly my point. It's getting late." said Sasuke.

"That's not what I meant. Your family might get worried." insisted (Name). "Besides, I just live around the corner, so it's fine. I'll be alright."

"They wouldn't really mind it, and if you live 'just around the corner' then it won't take much time." said Sasuke.

(Name) gave up. Sasuke was stubborn and was going to walk with her till she reached her building no matter what. She sighed and continued walking.

"Uh..we're here." she said, stopping in front of an eight-storeyed building.

Sasuke stopped and looked at the building, and then at (Name). "So, you'll be okay from here ?" he asked.

(Name) let out a small laugh. "Of course, I will." she said and started walking towards the building.

"Good night, (Name)." said Sasuke.

"Good night." said (Name). She waved at Sasuke and entered the building, taking the stairs to her floor.

(Name) lived on the fourth floor in a small but decent flat. As she lived alone, it was enough for her. Her parents' house was a few hours away and she made sure to visit them every weekend.

Once Sasuke made sure that (Name) was in her flat, he turned around and walked to the side of the road. A black shiny Mercedes came down the road and stopped in front of him. A chauffeur stepped out of it and opened the door to the back seat for Sasuke and closed it after he sat in. He rushed back to the driver's seat.

"Take me home." said Sasuke.

As the car sped past (Name)'s neighbourhood, Sasuke sighed and rubbed his hands over his face. He took his water bottle out and gulped down half of its contents in a go.

Sasuke had called home for a car to pick him up before he went to (Name). He had everything planned and knew he would be late if he walked back home as usual. She had said that his parents would worry about him. But his parents themselves were hardly at home to worry about him.

As the car pulled through the gates and the driveway, Sasuke jumped out of it before the chauffeur could open the door for him and ran into his house, straight to his room.

Sasuke lived in a very big mansion with a garden twice its size with his brother, Itachi, as his parents were always abroad for business. It was too big for just two people, but Uchiha Fugaku wanted his house to be super big, even though he himself hardly lived in it. Itachi was also out for most of the day working, so Sasuke used to be alone.

Mikoto made sure to check up on her sons everyday, but she sometimes forgot the difference between the time zones. She had called many times at 3 a.m. and asked her sons what they were going to have for lunch.

Sasuke splashed his face with cold water multiple times and then came out of his bathroom while wiping his face with a towel. So much acting in a single day had tired him out.

"You should really think over your plan again, little brother." said Itachi, leaning on the doorframe of Sasuke's room.

He had returned just before Sasuke and obviously hadn't missed him making all that noise while running up to his room.

"It's none of your business, so stay out of it." Sasuke snapped at Itachi.

Itachi took a step back and held his hands in front of him in defense.

"Whoa, calm down." said Itachi. "I was just saying that you might want to think about what you're doing, or what you're going to do, you know, just so you don't regret it later."


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