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(Name) covered her ears to block the voice of some boys playing an after school soccer game. She had not joined any clubs because all she came for to Konoha High was to study, and that she would do.

"YOU COULD'VE STOPPED THAT BALL !" someone yelled. The voice was very loud and familiar to (Name).

(Name) covered her ears again and concentrated with all her might. She was reading Biology. Not that they had a test or anything, (Name) just felt the need to read it.


(Name) looked up from her book and outside the window. Her class was on the first floor and had a clear view of the ground. But all (Name) saw was bright yellow at a glance, and then she continued reading again.


(Name) groaned and slammed her book shut. There was no way she was going to be able to read in that noise.

She stood near the window and watched the boys play for a while. (Name) recognised some of their faces, some were from her own class. The referree looked half-asleep. He had hair like a pineapple. Why was he even the referree if he was that bored ?

(Name) saw Uzumaki Naruto from the next class pass the ball to Uchiha Sasuke - also from the next class - who scored a very dramatic goal. The chubby goalkeeper didn't move in time. The spectators cheered and clapped. (Name) knew not much of the game, but she clapped a little too. She watched as the players cheered too before continuing with the game. Her gaze was on that Uchiha Sasuke for a little longer than the rest.

She would've gone to the library, but it was off limits for students for a few days. It was being cleaned inside out. Most of the other class-rooms were being used for club activities. (Name) couldn't go there.

But why would she go there ? She had her own secret place where nobody would find her. Nobody would disturb her.

(Name) picked her bag up and went to the old Chemistry Lab. It wasn't really old, but the students used another room as the Chemistry Lab now so it just became 'old.' She had been going there for quite some time.

The Lab was quieter than her class-room. It was also on the first floor but farther away from the ground. (Name) still heard the voices of the boys but not that loud. She could read in peace.

She sat at a table. The Lab still reeked of chemicals. It needed to be cleaned. (Name) opened the window to get more fresh air. She sat at a table and got her book out.

(Name) had hardly read a sentence when something swooshed in through the window and crashed into some chairs.

Kiba whistled as he sheilded his eyes to follow the ball.

"Now that is what you call an amazing miss, Naruto." he said as he saw the ball go into a class-room. Naruto laughed nervously.

"Hn. Wonderful aim." said Sasuke. The goalpost was not even near to where Naruto had aimed his shot. "That's why I keep telling you to pass the ball to me, loser."

Everyone looked at Naruto.

"Don't we have a spare ball ?" he asked meekly.

Shikamaru, the referree, ignored Naruto even though he actually had a few soccer balls near him. Nobody said anything.

"We need that ball, Naruto." said Neji. Naruto groaned.

"Fine, whatever. I put the ball there, I'll go get it." Naruto started jogging towards the building. Sasuke stopped him.

"No. I'll go get it. You continue with the game." said Sasuke as he jogged off quickly before anybody questioned him.

Sasuke recognised the room where the ball went. It was the old Chemistry Lab with 'something' in it. This was just anothet chance to check it out. Whatever was in there - if it was in there - would have been caught off guard.

Much to Sasuke's surprise, there was no'thing' in there. A few chairs were toppled over, a few things were scattered. In the middle of all that stood a girl, with the soccer ball in her hand. It was (Name).

She looked at Sasuke. Sasuke looked at her. What was she doing there ?


(Name) cut Sasuke off by tossing the ball at him. He caught it. (Name) kept staring at him.

"Uh.. Did anything... break ?" asked Sasuke.

"No." said (Name).

"Are you hurt ?" asked Sasuke, although, it was half-hearted. He actually still held a grudge against (Name).

"No." said (Name) again.

Sasuke looked around the room. It was just how it was the last time he had been there, except for those chairs which were toppled over. A book and a bag were on a table.

"What are you doing here ?" asked Sasuke.

(Name) examined him from top to bottom before answering. "I came here to study." she said. She wasn't sure why she had answered to him when she didn't need to.

"Why here ?" asked Sasuke as he took a seat on one of the chairs. (Name) sat too, but away from him.

"The class is noisy, and the library is closed." she said.

"I see." said Sasuke. "Wait... Does that mean you were here the other day too during lunch ?"

"Uh, I don't know what day you're talking about, but if it was in this or the last week, then yes." said (Name).

Sasuke had an urge to smack himself on the forehead but he controlled himself, because if he did that it would be out of character for 'Uchiha Sasuke.' But he couldn't looking annoyed and glared at (Name). (Name), who was already looking at him, looked away when their eyes met.

"What were you doing here during lunch ?" asked Sasuke and narrowed his eyes at (Name). He sounded and looked almost as suspicious as those interrogators in those crime investigation serials.

"I.. eat my lunch here." said (Name) meekly. Sasuke's facial expression softened and he stopped glaring at (Name).

"Why here ?" he asked. The room still had a horrible stench even weeks after the incident as nobody had bothered to clean it or to get it cleaned. Was (Name) one of those people who actually liked such smells ? He cringed just at the thought of it. He had been there for barely minutes and was already sick of it.

"Nobody disturbs me." said (Name). She wasn't looking at Sasuke anymore and had her nose inside her book. This annoyed Sasuke. People should look at him when he talks or when they talk to him. The way (Name) said it almost sounded as if she was telling him to go away.

But why would she spend her time in that room ?

Then it struck Sasuke. (Name) was a loner. She talked to nobody. It wound putting oil in fire if she sat in the cafeteria for lunch where big groups of friends sat.

"OI SASUKE COME FAST !" yelled Naruto.

Sasuke smirked as he got up, gave (Name) one final look, and left.

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