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"Sasuke, wait !" Naruto called out just before Sasuke was about to turn around the corner, to his next class.

Naruto had ran down the stairs, ignoring all reprimanding and disapproving teachers. Sasuke stopped and looked at him, raising an eyebrow at his state.

"What's up ?" he said, walking a few steps up to Naruto as he tried to catch his breath.

"We need to talk." said Naruto, in between breaths.

"I have class." said Sasuke, and turned to leave.

Naruto grabbed his shoulder and started dragging him away. Sasuke protested, but Naruto refused let go of him, till they reached the behind the last flight of stairs.

"Get your filthy hands off me." said Sasuke, finally managing to get out of Naruto's iron grip.

"I was late today because I showered, so I'm clean." said Naruto, glaring at Sasuke.

"No, you were late because you over-slept and spent too much time eating. And, you're not clean anymore." said Sasuke,gesturing at Naruto's messy shirt with stains of dirt on it.

"That is only because Kiba picked a fight with me." said Naruto.

"Whatever. Just get to the point. I have to go to class."

"Didn't you say you were not interested in (Name) ?" asked Naruto, narrowing his eyes at Sasuke.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow and looked puzzled. He didn't know what Naruto was getting at. "Yes, I did." he said rather cautiously.

"Then, why were you with her right now ?"

Sasuke's eyes widened, but in a split second he regained his composture. "I don't know what you're talking about." he said.

Naruto scoffed. "Don't even begin to deny it. I - we all - saw you clearly." said Naruto.

"You all ?"

"Kiba, Choji and I, we were there on the roof. It is actually very easy to spot that bench from up there. So, speak up." Naruto said.

"I just bumped into her and we only spoke for a while." saod Sasuke.

"That was way more than just a while." said Naruto. He was sure that Sasuke was lying, or at least not speaking the entire truth.

Sasuke rolled his eyes at Naruto. "What's your problem ?" he asked Naruto.

"No. What is your problem, Sasuke ? What are you playing at ?" he asked, now pretty sure about the existence of Sasuke's ulterior motives.

"Oh, nothing." Sasuke mused.

"I know you're up to something, and it involves (Name).

Just then, the person concerned came there. Her timing was so perfect that Naruto almost wondered if she had heard them talking. But judging by the confused look on her face, it was certain that she hadn't. He knew that (Name) wasn't the type who could successfully fake a look like that.

"Hey there ! I'm Naruto, remember ?" said Naruto in his extremely cheerful voice, which made Sasuke cringe but at the same time wonder how Naruto had so skillfully changed the mood over there.

"Of course, I do ! Thank you so much for helping me back then." said (Name) cheerfully.

Apparently, his cheerfulness was contagious.

"I'll walk you to class, then." Naruto offered.

(Name) was about to decline but Naruto had already started making his way to her class. In that way, he would be late for his own class, but he did not really seem to care about it.

She looked at Sasuke, who was frowning deeply. But as soon as their eyes met, his frown turned into a soft smile. She felt herself smiling back at him.

Judging from the atmosphere, it was clear to (Name) that Naruto and Sasuke were having some sort of an intense conversation. She hadn't heard any of it, but she noticed how when she came, they changed the topic - or rather, Naruto changed the topic. She assumed that it could be only a spat between the two best friends.

"Are you coming ?" Naruto called.

(Name) nodded and followed him quickly. After she passed him, Naruto gave Sasuke a suspicious glare and then walked ahead.

Sasuke scowled and stomped away. He was in his usual bad mood, and Naruto interfering had made it worse.

"So, are you prepared for the exams ?" asked (Name), mentally slapping herself for the poor excuse of a topic she had brought up.

Naruto looked at her as if she had suddenly grown another head.

"You do know that we have exams in a week, right ?" said (Name) slowly, as if she was talking to a child.

Naruto shook his head. To know about it, he would actually have to sit in class, which was something he rarely did.

"Well, you know now." said (Name).

"Even though I do, I also know that I'm going to fail again." he said, laughing at himself.

"But the Principal said that whoever fails these exams will compulsorily have to attend extra lectures after school and will also be forbidden from participating in any clubs or activities until they do better on the next exams." said (Name), raising an eyebrow.

"That dumb old woman !" Naruto muttered under his breath.

Extra lectures were another form of torture, and being forbidden from participating in any activities would mean that he would not be able to participate in the Annual Sports Festival which was just a month away, and something which he had looked forward to the entire year.

"Oh, (Name), you have to help me !" he said, making his best puppy eyes.

She laughed. "Sure, I will." she said. She thought about why he couldn't ask Sasuke but she didn't ask him, assuming that it was because of their fight.

She waved at Naruto as he walked away after they had reached her class. She was a litte late but she came to know that due to some reasons, the teacher wasn't going to come so it was a free lecture.

Not wanting to sit in a noisy classroom, she decided to go to the library. Two free lectures in one day was too much. Even Naruto had left, so she didn't really know what to do.

(Name) was always happy to help, but, although he had made her agree to help him, he hadn't fixed any time or place where they could study together. She gathered the books which she had left in class and left the class.

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